
Jun 23, 2003 23:47

You can call me Houdini. For i am gone again/ after a broef stay in reality, life has decided to get fucked p again. The party got delayed until this coming sunday.but it is supposed to rain. thurrsday will be the deadline for postponing.. if it looks like it is going to rain again, it will get puushed back to later. much later. i think september. But who knows. hopefully it wont rain.
In other knews... i am sorry if i have snapped at your recently. you prolly didnt deserve it. I am sorry if i blew you off... i prolly didnt mean to. Its just more of the same. i think the only thing that can be said is that, while i have tried to kill my boss (a joke) i think work is what keeps me going. It drives me. work work work.
I burn for something great and fabulous. to be done with the mundane.. to be active. to no longer worr about how i look or how i feel. to live and drive and go... you know that feeling you get when you drive? the feeling of the world humming past you. the feeling of "i could be gone itomarrow and leave the world behind. Gone. and who would care?" wonderlust. i feel it growing each day. it is work that keeps me here. a good thing. it gives me satisfaction. the peeople i work with bring me joy. And then a quik showerr and off again. never stopping in my motion. from work to projects to food to whatever. i have to keep moving... i feel it in my soul.
A closing thought. have you ever tried to find what you would consider to be a soul? now looking for it... what color do you envision it to be? and what form/shape? does it have a smell ad taste a sound.? and can it cry? or laugh? or even smile? soo what makes you think your soul can have desires? i know why mine does... but what about yours?
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