Mar 10, 2005 10:44
I'm at school right now really boring....i just finished my 1st mid-term here and it was ez as I'm going on websites I shouldnt be able to get on from school but see thats what proxies are good for....and stupid school officials that don't know shit about the computers they set up....not to mention the networks they setup is fun at school....i can fuck up the school's computers severely if I wanted to....but see I'm not a sick demented fuck who takes joy in ruining school property or causing someone a bunch of extra's retarded....and this way I don't get in trouble and I can continue to have access to everything just as if I was at home :). Anyways I go to cookeville in like 3 mins and then I get to take my 3rd block final after lunch I think....o wait no 1-3 is 3rd....fucked up schedule to today....i hope i do good in that class (wildlife management) but eh if i dont its not like i care and its not like it'll cuase me to fail or anything and i don't see myself failing this test considering i knew half the answers on the study guide without looking at the book once! LOL....anyways u guys wish me luck and I may be back on here l8r tonight.....after work....ugh....hate work i explained yesterday....but life shall go on as i say a u jess :) ttyl