Simple Obsession: Franky three-shot, part 1

Mar 28, 2012 20:24

Before I start this one, I want to preface this by saying that I have a pet peeve. It's what a friend of mine call the “Badassery OC.” This is the Emotionless Girl trope taken to an extreme, with a bit of The Snark Knight thrown in (except that they have disdain for everyone except for themselves) because they're not just calm and collected in stressful situations. No, these characters often go out of their way to be as rude and abusive towards everyone around them as possible, because the character is just that much smarter than everyone else.

Meanwhile, the narration keeps trying to pound into the reader's head that the character doesn't care about anything or anyone. Because, you know, that's something you want in a friend, right?

Mind that the Badassery OC most likely never face any consequences from their actions and their behavior will often be portrayed by the narration and other characters as perfectly fine and normal. The character is free to insult and abuse the canon characters without ever having to fear repercussions, because the author is on the OC's side and will most likely bend the canon characters to suit the needs of the OC.

This is one of those characters.

This story is supposed to be a three-parter, but only the first part has been published on FFnet and deviantart as I'm writing this.

By: nekozawakun

The story doesn't follow the plot of the Manga/Anime!

You're right about that!

Simple obsession: Franky three-shot

Part One:

When she opened her eyes, she couldn't grasp where she was.

Uh-huh. And who is this?

She found herself on a wooden floor on a ship. Who made those nowadays anyway?

I don't know, because I have no idea who you are or where you're from. Therefore, the frame of reference is quite narrow, don't you think?

And the strangest thing of all was that the ship was moving.

Why is that the strangest thing of all? So the ship is moving? Ships usually do that. Wouldn't the strangest thing be how on earth you managed to get on said ship?

The girl sat up and looked around. She dug in her pocket in search of a cigarette pack and let out a sigh of relief when she found it along with a lighter.

Ah, crisis averted. She's in a strange place, on a strange ship, with no knowledge of where she is or how she got there, but at least she still has her towel-I mean her cigarettes. All is well.

Her messy slightly curly red hair fell on her eyes and she rushed to move it aside.

Yes, you better hurry to get your hair off your eyes before you go blind. It's very urgent matter once your hair lands on your eyes.

She lit a cigarette with delighted look on her face sat up thinking.

Her face sat up? Well, it must have, since she was already sitting. Maybe it was the delighted look that sat up... But was it thinking, or was she the one who did that?

"Who are you? How did you get here?" a rough male voice barked in front of her.

Just a disembodied voice. Because she didn't see anyone standing there. She clearly wasn't quick enough to get her hair off her eyes.

She looked up to see a green haired man which reminded of marimo.

The man reminded who of marimo? Or rather, how does a man remind you of marimo? Surely you mean his hair?

"I keep asking myself the same question." She replied monotone.

What the hell kind of answer is that? He asked a couple of very valid questions!And do you keep asking yourself who you are, too?

She looked up and down at him. He looked normal; more or less normal.

Aside from his green hair and perma-scowl, you mean?

The girl shrugged looking up.

Er. Do forgive me, but is there perhaps something wrong with you? I mean, you're not high or anything, are you? You're acting awfully strange. What is in those cigarettes?

The sky was bright, without a hint of a storm cloud;

What? What does that have to do with anything? Is Zoro just standing next to her doing nothing, while she's just sitting there, also doing nothing?

she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.
"How the hell did you get here?" the man repeated his question. She looked up wondering if he was an idiot.

WHAT? You appeared out of nowhere on their ship, you're acting very strange, and you refuse to answer direct questions! For all he knows, you're here to attack them, because that's what strangers often do when they board a ship unannounced. How dare you call him an idiot for not ~*magically*~ knowing everything about you?

"I obviously don't know." She replied.

Oh, that's it. It's not fucking obvious! He can't read your mind, and your vague answer earlier was not enough to just assume that you have no idea how you got there! Why are you being so rude to a person you've just met?

"Hey Zoro what's up?" a loud yell made the two turn around.

Oh good, maybe this distraction will make things better.

A kid with black hair ran towards then grinning like a madman. He stopped and looked at the girl in confusion, then back at Zoro. "Zoro you brought a girlfriend?" he asked another smile spreading on his face.

My bad. Luffy arrives and brings more confusion. What the hell kind of conclusion is that to jump to? Why would girlfriend be the first guess on Luffy's mind? Wouldn't he first guess that she's his friend, since Zoro is being civil towards her?

"SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!" the green haired guy yelled in defence.

And way to overreact, Zoro. Then again, he does react strongly at times, and I wouldn't be surprised if he's already annoyed by this girl's attitude. Never mind, I'll let it go.

"Ugh," the girl scratched the back of her head causing some hair strands to fall on her face.

Quick! Get the hair off your eyes! You'll go blind!
How does scratching the back of your head make hair fall over your face, anyway?

She slowly stood up straightening her back. The two looked at her wide eyed.

Why the hell would Zoro go wide-eyed just by watching her stand up?

She was tall, very tall,

How tall is “very tall”? Because there are people who are twice the height of normal people in One Piece who aren't giants, but who are just naturally larger than the average humans. You do know that it's nothing new, right?

but other than that, she appeared to be very skinny.

She wasn't, of course. It just appeared as if she was skinny.

The black haired kid turned his head from side to side. His face expressed deep thoughts.
"Zoro, is this your boyfriend then?" he asked thoughtfully. Zoro's jaw dropped and eyes slightly popped out of their orbits.

Their orbits? His eyes were in orbit around his head, or something? Also, how does “very tall” and “very skinny” translate to “looks like a man”? Did she look like a woman when she sat down, since Luffy could identify her as female? In that case, how the hell does that work?

"LUFFY!" he yelled once again.
"What's all the noise about?" a ginger haired girl walked out on the deck and looked at the three people.
"Oh Nami," Luffy smiled.

NAMI! Please, bring some sense into this mess!

"Who is this guy?" she asked looking at the redhead.

So this unnamed character stands up and suddenly no one can tell that she's a woman?

"This is Zoro's boyfriend!"

It wasn't funny the first time, and it's not funny when you repeat it.

"WHAT? LUFFY I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Zoro chased Luffy around the girl who just stood quietly with her cigarette almost out.

Oh, look at this character, isn't she calm and collected?

She let out a sigh and took the remaining of her cigarette from her mouth and put it off using the inside of her hand. Nami gasped.

Damn right, Nami. This display of pretend-badassery is just ridiculous. To think that anyone would be so stupid to do that when you can just throw the cigarette butt over the railing is just breathtaking.

*This guy is creepy.* she thought.

No, she's not. Well, yes, her vacant stare and odd behavior would probably be a bit unnerving, but I don't think that that's what she's going for here.

She heard a noise beside her and she turned around. The rest of the crew were quickly gathering behind her. It made her feel safe.

Yeah. Okay. Not that this newcomer has done anything threatening. She was just stupid enough to put out her cigarette in the palm of her hand. That's all.

Something about this new guy made her feel very insecure, as if something was always on his mind and she couldn't understand what it was.

So Nami is creeped out because she can't tell what the newcomer is thinking? The hell? Also, I don't think the word “always” is used well here, since Nami has only seen the newcomer for the past... two minutes? How does she know there's always something on her mind in that short timespan?

"What's going here?" a long nosed man asked.

I think we all want to know that, Usopp. Thanks for voicing what everyone's thinking.

"And who is that?" he pointed at the new person.

Oh, don't mind her. She's just another Sue. She should be out of here soon.

"Apparently, he's Zoro's boyfriend, did he get here?" Nami asked.

You believe what Luffy said? Since when do you take his word for ridiculous things like that?

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Zoro yelled as he tried to strangle Luffy.

He's still mad about that? He doesn't usually stay mad at Luffy.

"Marimo...I've knew something like that would happen." A blonde with a cigarette stated.

Yes, and so did all the ZoSan and ZoLu shippers of the world.

"But hold on a minute." He added carefully studying the tall figure of the stranger. "This is not a guy, it's a female."

So it takes Sanji to figure out that she's a woman? Really? Also, “female”? Really? That's the word you want to use there? You want to use female instead of woman?

He stated. "Ohhh, a beautiful representative of the weaker sex!"

Weaker sex? You want to go there? I really don't think you want to go there, author. Sanji may not be able to hit women, but he sure doesn't act like they're weaker just because they're women. Besides, I thought she looked like a guy, if even Nami was fooled.

he sung just to be hit over the head by Nami.
"Who's a weaker sex here?" she hissed through her greeted teeth.

Ugh... You know, I'm just going to leave this. I don't want to go into it.

"Nami-san is beautiful too when she's angry!"

You are not helping your case here, Sanji.

"Who are you?" came from a black haired young woman standing closest to the new girl.

ROBIN! Please, please, please, bring some logic and intelligence into this mess! I beg you!

"A human being."

... Be right back, facepalming forever.

She asked WHO you are, not WHAT you are, you idiot! Forget your quips not being funny, that was just stupid and made no goddamn sense whatsoever.

The black haired woman cracked a smile.

(Robin): Ah, the poor thing must have been dropped on her head too many times as a child.

"I am Nico Robin."

Also a human being, but with the ability to kill you with her bare hands if she feels like it.

The girl didn't reply just nodded. "Can you tell me Nico Robin, where am I?"

(Robin): In a world of pain. *grabs the newcomer with a Seis Fleurs* Now, let's talk about who you are and where you're from.

Robin blinked slightly surprised but a general idea was quickly forming on her mind.

Surprised? Why would a question like that surprise her?

"You are on a pirate ship. And this is our captain," she pointed at the black haired kid.
"A pirate ship?" the girl re-asked.

“Re-asked”? Why did you put the re- prefix there? There was no reason at all to use it. The word “asked” would have been perfectly fine.

"And what era am I exactly in?"

What kind of question is that?

"The pirate era of course."

Duh. Of course.

The girl fell silent analysing the situation. She shook her head as if it would help to get rid of the situation and the people in front of her.

I'm having flashbacks to Fuu rolling around on deck hitting herself in the head right now...

"Did I have too much to drink yesterday...could it be...that bastard spilt something in my drink?"

What bastard? What are you talking about?

she mumbled under her breath. Her eyes twitched. "When I get back, I'll make sure you die from my own hand Ryuu..."

Back where? Who the hell is Ryuu? Why would he put something in your drink?

another mumbled made Luffy and Zoro stop fighting and look at her.

If they were in the middle of a fight, how the hell could they hear her mumble? Oh wait, she's a Sue. Never mind.

"She is a girl?" Luffy asked making everyone smack their foreheads.
"That is of no importance." The girl replied

What? Are you just spouting random sentences or something? I don't understand how your brain works!

turning her face to him and moving the hair away from her eyes. She took out another cigarette and lit it. The smoke calmed her down.

I wasn't aware that she was upset or excited. From what I've seen, she's just slightly annoyed by everything that's going on.

"Where are you from?" Robin asked.

It seems like she somehow respects Robin, so let's see if she answers the damn question this time.

The girl tilted her head and looked at the woman. Her deep green eyes reflected the sunlight.

Uh. Thanks. I needed to know that. That was very useful information.

"I'm from 21st century, planet Earth."

Odd name for a town and country...

Why the hell did you have to state which century you're from? The One Piece world is just in its 16th century, according to the timeline on the One Piece Wiki.
And ”planet Earth” is probably not going to mean anything to them.

She replied realising how funny that statement would sound to anyone but it didn't seem funny to those people.

What are you talking about? Why would it sound funny to anyone? It's not funny at all! And why do you think that it doesn't sound funny to these guys? We're not really shown any reason to believe this.

Robin's eyes widened. She felt her body shake slightly with excitement. She didn't experience anything of the sort for a long time.

What? I don't understand what you're trying to say here. There's this awesome thing called GET A BETA-READER that can help you catch weird phrases like this.

"So you are the one..." she whispered. "The one destined to come from a different dimension." She added.


The girl didn't understand. She sighed heavily.

Which “she” sighed, Robin or the OC? You're confusing me.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but I am more interested in how the hell I got here and how the hell do I get out of here?"

You're not going to make them want to help you by being rude. How the hell are they supposed to know how the hell you got there, anyway?

Robin shook her head. "I've read about it on one of the..." she stopped and rubbed her temples. "I can you all about it but I need to think it through first."

What? Why is she rubbing her temples? Did she get a sudden headache?

"And for now you can introduce yourself!" Luffy yelled.

Thank you, Luffy! It's about time we learn who the hell this is.

"I'm Luffy and I will be the next pirate king. And this scary guy here is Roronoa Zoro, he's our swordsman. Nami is our navigator. Chopper is our doctor." He pointed at the small deer that was hiding behind Nami's leg, yet failed.

He failed to point at Chopper?

"This deer?" the girl asked in amusement.

What's so funny about that?

"Sure." She shrugged.

Will it kill you to not be rude to people like that?

"Robin is an archaeologist, Franky is our mechanic, Sanji is our cook and Usopp is...our Usopp.

Ah, okay. This is before Thriller Bark. Good to know. I guess it makes sense. This way, she can still be freakishly tall and attract attention without being outshone by Brook. Also, Luffy is not an idiot. He knows what Usopp's speciality is, damn it.

Now it's your turn." Luffy grinned widely.
"Taoka Kai, 20 years old, second year university student; I can do a bit of everything and I'm not particularly good at anything. If you don't like me, you just have a good sense for people and I don't blame you."

I'm sorry, was that supposed to be funny? So, you're an average, unlikable person? Sorry, why should I be interested in you, again?

The crew blinked stunned and amused at the same time.

That wasn't funny at all! Don't be amused by things that aren't funny!

The girl who magically appeared on their ship was some from a different dimension...or century. Whatever it was they didn't quite understand,

-but they'll just go along with it because the plot says so.

but the fact remained as a fact,

-that the Department of Redundancy Department had to be called up.

she was right there in front of them and they couldn't possibly do anything about it.

Oh, yes they can.

Other than throwing her overboard maybe?

Yes, please, do that. That would solve all our problems.

The first one to recover was Luffy. She smiled widely at the girl and stood up straight.

She? Luffy magically changed into a girl, I see.

"I didn't really understand what you mean, but would you like to be our nakama?" he offered. The straw hat pirates somehow weren't surprised. They sighed in defeat.

I don't really know why he'd want her in his crew. Usually, he asks people who he thinks are cool or interesting in some way. This girl has not been the least bit interesting or cool even once this far.

"As expected." Zoro commented. The girl sent him a glare and lit a cigarette.

-while she still had the one she lit earlier in her mouth, I guess. I didn't see any mention of her discarding the second one she lit.

She sucked in the smoke closing her eyes in pleasure.

Wow. You want to keep highlighting how addicted she is? I still don't think she's cool.

"I don't care." She shrugged.
"Don't you are about anything at all?" Nami asked feeling pissed off.
"Not really," Nina shrugged again. "I go with the flow."

Okay, first of all, who the hell is Nina? Did you read through this story even once before you posted it?

Second of all, why did that piss Nami off?

Third, “going with the flow” does not automatically mean you don't care about anything. Kai is just a rude jerk.

"So if someone was about kill your family, you wouldn't care?" she yelled throwing her arms in the air.

Who did? This unknown person called Nina?

Why the hell did Nami jump to this topic? Wouldn't she be used to having Robin around, who has a tendency to say very dark things? I don't see Nami throwing herself at Kai like this just because she said she doesn't care about whether or not she joins the crew!

Everyone's gaze turned to Nami. She breathed heavily feeling the anger boil inside her.

Okay, you know what? This wild omniscient narrator is really starting to confuse the hell out of me. I don't like being thrown around in everyone's heads. Pick a POV and stick to it!

Nina raised her eyebrow.

Who the hell is Nina?! And why does she only have one eyebrow? A unibrow, maybe?

She raised her hand and moved a strand of her wavy hair away from her face tilting her head to a side, so she could get a better view of the ginger girl.

You know, I'm starting to see why Nami felt so intimidated by this chick. That gesture sounds odd and a bit threatening. However, how does tilting your head to the side give you a better view of someone standing in front of you?

"My family," she started, "wouldn't be killed so easily."

Sure. Tell yourself that.

Another cloud of smoke escaped her lips. "My family is a fifth generation of professional killers."

BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA! She's supposed to be from our world, and she's from a long line of assassins? Where the hell is she from?

Holy crap! Is she from the Zoldyck family from Hunter X Hunter? Why else would she reveal this kind of information to people she only just met? Then again, she's probably just trying to scare them into submission.

Her eyes shone with light that no one could read. They reflected the sun yet seemed cold and distant.

I don't give a crap about your eyes. This information is unnecessary.

"Don't take it personally. I was raised not to care."

They sure as hell didn't bother to cram any kind of social awareness into your brain. Also, if you were raised not to care, this means that you do have emotions. You've just been trained to suppress them. You're like a Vulcan. A poor man's Vulcan.

Nami blinked. She bit her lower lip and clenched her fists; somehow this girl brought memories of Bellemere-san's death and she hated it. She turned away and stormed into the room closest to where she was standing.

It was the bathroom. Once she was in there, she realized that she couldn't go back out again without looking silly.

"How awkward."

Awkward? You call that awkward?
You know, I'm not good at reading people, but for fuck's sake, how do you not realize that you hurt her? You may be an uncaring, unlikable, rude robot, but at least have the sense to realize that not everyone else is like that.

Kai commented turning away from the rest of the crew. She felt a sense of boredom rising inside her.


Folks, I am not kidding. I hate characters who just go “bored now” in the middle of when things are actually happening. Right now, everyone else are a bit confused and excited about meeting someone new, and Nami is upset. But because Kai is not the center of attention at all times, she gets bored. This is one hell of a high-maintenance character, and I don't like it. This kind of character relies on the other characters to drop everything they're doing just to keep them entertained and happy. It doesn't matter if the other characters have other things to do, because they're going to entertain the Sue, goddamn it.

This is not going to be fun.

She sighed heavily when she heard someone called Luffy speak again.

”Someone called Luffy”? What the fuck? You've talked to the guy before now! You don't even remember that much? What is wrong with you?

"What happened just now?" he continued looking from her to the direction of where Nami went, not understanding the situation.
Her first impression of him was...*Dim.*

Says the one who can't remember a person's name and face for ten minutes.

"Isn't it the first rule not to turn your back to your enemy?' Zoro barked taking out one katana and pointing at her back.

Why the fuck is he attacking her NOW? Slow reaction time, much? It took him this long to sense that she's a Sue?

Kai didn't bother turning around. She lit another cigarette as she dropped the remaining of the first one into the sea.

She still has two in her mouth, though.

"Are you my enemy?" she asked still not turning around.

Just kill her, Zoro! End our pain!

"If you continue what you just did we will be!" Usopp yelled as he hid behind Sanji with Chopper hiding the other way around.
"And what did I just do?" she asked. Her voice didn't seem to change.

How can you be an assassin if you don't understand basic human interaction? Doesn't an assassin need to be aware of what makes people tick in order to get close enough to kill them? I mean, just a basic idea at least?

"Are you dim or are you just pretending to be?" Franky asked curiously scratching the back of his head.

Neither. She's just rude and obnoxious.

"I'm dim, enlighten me." Kai retorted not taking his offence to heart. She never did. Sometimes it was good not to care.

Who would be insulted by being called dim? Idiot. Also, if you have to repeat that you just don't care, you're just making me think that you do care, but you're trying to tell yourself that you're just so much above these idiots that their opinion doesn't matter.

"You hurt Nami-san's feelings." Sanji stated. "Even though you are a woman, I will not forgive anyone who hurts Nami-san."

Yay! These guys still remember that they're supposed to be nakama!

"Oh." It was that simple for her.

It was simple for whom? Would it kill you to be more specific?

"Reflect on our conversation." She said. "I didn't say a word of offensiveness to her.

Not directly, no. But the words you did use indirectly implied that your family is so much better than her weak family. That you didn't say the exact words does not mean you weren't offensive.

The reason she became so agitated is entirely unknown to me.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand exactly why she was upset. You upset her, and you should apologize.

I have not touched any personal topics nor did I address anything to her.

Yes, you did. While I don't understand why Nami instantly jumped to talking about you not caring about your family getting killed just because you don't care about joining the crew, it doesn't make you completely without fault in this situation. You did not have to talk about your family being assassins and so much better than everyone else, because it did not need to come up.

Now if none of you can understand that, I assume you are dim, not me."

Oh, fuck you. You do not tell them that, when you're the one who doesn't have a single clue about how to interact with people, or how to empathize with others. They are not dim because they can't follow your fucked up logic and twisted train of thought.

The crew fell silent. It was clear and obvious that she was right so they backed down.

WHAT?! You've got to be fucking kidding me! They're just backing off without protecting their nakama?! Oh, fuck you! You are not right! You are wrong!

"And you," she said addressing Zoro. "Do you mind getting that katana away from my back? It's distracting."

Ah, I thought she just forgot about him in her fit of righteous monotony.

Zoro furrowed his eyebrows. "And what if I don't?" his voice was dangerous.
"Well then..." with a swift move the katana was kicked out of his hand into the sea.


… That better not have been Wadou Ichimonji. You better not have just kicked the most precious thing Zoro owns into the sea, you fucking Sue!

Kai stood straight with her hands in her pockets and a cigarette sticking out of her mouth. Her eyes were half open.

Now you're stealing Sanji's pose? Go flush yourself down the toilet.

"YOU BITCH! THAT WAS MY PRECIOUS KATANA!" Zoro yelled glaring at her.

It was Wadou! Kai, you are such a dead character. No one messes with Wadou Ichimonji!

"Then you better dive for it "marimo"." She retorted back with no emotion in her voice.

I'm getting really tired of you repeating how emotionless you are over and over and over again.

"Why does it feel like the atmosphere is tense?" Luffy asked in confusion.

No. That's not how he'd react. He'd see what she did with Zoro's swords, and because he knows how important the swords are to Zoro, he would understand that Kai is not their friend.

"THAT'S BECAUSE IT IS!" Usopp and Chopper yelled breathing heavily.

NO IT ISN'T! This isn't tension, it's stupidity!

Zoro groaned in annoyance as he jumped into the sea to get his Katana.
"Oh where did Zoro go?" Luffy asked looking around.

Nekozawakun. Luffy is not the brightest bulb ever, but he's not this stupid! He's way more perceptive than your stupid Sue.

"LUFFY!" Usopp yelled.
The long nosed guy sighed. "Nothing."
"Okay then!" Luffy laughed. "So what can you do?" he asked turning back to Kai.

Oh please. She basically attacked Zoro without feeling threatened by him, and Luffy does nothing? Wow. The Sue really attached herself to him quickly.

Zoro was quickly getting back on the ship soaking wet. He glared at the girl but she ignored him. She was used to people glaring or avoiding her. She was used to people trying to kill her and others around her. She was used to seeing death.

Well, if you didn't antagonize people the first thing you do when you meet them, that wouldn't happen. Zoro is not at fault here. If he didn't see you as a threat before, he sure as hell does now.

"I can play the violin."

But you're not good at it. You said so yourself, you're not good at anything.

She replied removing her hair tie.

You had your hair tied back? So what hair was falling into your face, then?

Thick locks of red hair fell on her shoulders and her face.

Why did you do that? Did you feel like there hadn't been enough focus on yourself?

They were almost reaching the middle of her back. Kai roamed her pockets in search for any other cigarette. "Tsk...damnit." she hissed under her breath.

You really should cut back on the chain smoking. It's not good for your lungs.

"Can you play something?" Luffy asked.
"I don't have a violin." She replied. Kai felt annoyed. She needed a smoke.

You haven't even finished the two you already had in your mouth, and there was no mention of you putting them out! What the hell is wrong with you? Are you at a point in your addiction where you can't stand even a minute without nicotine constantly flowing into your system? I'd hate to see what your lungs look like...

Her eyes fell on Sanji who had a desired item in his mouth.

A desired item? Well that doesn't sound awkward at all, does it?

She blinked and quickly approached him. "I hope you don't mind."

Even if he doesn't, I sure as hell do. STOP BEING RUDE TO EVERYONE!

She whispered into his ear as she quickly took away the cigarette and put it between her lips. She raised her eyebrow. "They are pretty good."

You know, if your addiction is really so bad that you can't go even a minute without sucking on a cancer stick, you need some serious help. Also, I think a lot of people would be pretty pissed off if you just assumed that you could do this with their cigarette. Idiot.

Sanji stared at her stunned; his expression quickly changed, blush covered his cheeks as he stared at her with lovey dovey eyes. "That was an indirect kiss!" he yelled happily.

Yes, how romantic. If that counts as a kiss, she pretty much forced herself on you. That's... nice.

"Really?" she looked at him in amused.
"FRANKY! WE NEED A VIOLIN!" Luffy yelled. Franky rubbed the back of his head.
"I do think we had something of the sort somewhere..." he replied unsure.

Yeah, don't everyone have random, perfectly made and tuned violins lying around? … I dunno, don't look at me.

"Get it, get it!" Franky sighed heavily as he quickly walked off to find the musical instrument he wasn't sure they had.
"Why are you so excited?" Kai asked. "I never said I will play."

You wouldn't have brought it up if you really didn't want to play, you know.

"But you will, won't you?" he grinned. Kai rolled her eyes. "I guess."

See? But of course, she's got to put up the whole “gawd, these people...” routine first.

Kai looked around; her eyes fell upon Franky who was quickly returning with a beautiful musical instrument,

Where did he find that?

which seemed too small for his massive arms and hands.

Ohhh, it's the World's Smallest Violin! They'll play a sad song over her undoubtedly Tragick Past that I'm sure will come up later

She raised her eyebrows as he handed her the instrument.

(Sue): This is made of jelly! How did you do that?

She brought it closer to her face, she dug in her pockets and took out rather big glasses and put them own.

What? Where did these come from?

Her face changed immediately; it was no longer distant and cold, a hint of pure interest and amazement appeared on her face.

It was one of those vanity glasses with pictures of eyes on the glass.

"This instrument is beautiful, old but so ridiculously beautiful."

AGAIN, where did this instrument come from?! I would have let it slide if Brook was part of the crew, but since he's nowhere to be found, Franky just had a masterpiece of a violin lying about in the cargo hold? And it's perfectly tuned and in equally perfect condition? What the hell?

The rest of the crew looked at her wide eyed now understand what beauty she saw in a piece of wood, but they didn't comment.

They were appropriately awed by the Sue, even though they had no idea why.

"Are you really going to play?" the reindeer asked quietly. Kai looked at him and nodded.
"I'm in anticipation."

Anticipation of WHAT? Is that the 9th Discipline of Destrucity?

The breeze moved her hair from her face as she brought the instrument closer to shoulder.

I don't care about your hair, dammit.

Kai took her position and tried the violin. "As I thought," she mumbled under her breath. "It's perfect."

How the hell is it perfect? It's not like it's been used by anyone... Oh wait. This is a Sueolin. It's always perfect.

"Will you play already?" Usopp asked slightly annoyed. If glares could kill, Usopp would be dead. He swallowed hard and took a step back.

Poor Usopp. You're speaking for the readers and all canon characters, and you're made out to be the bad guy. *pets him* It's not your fault.

"That was a pretty scary look on your face girl." Franky said but she ignored him. They would never understand.


"Quiet down please. Just let her play." It was Robin. Kai wondered if she was the only reasonable one.

You mean the only character you like, because she's not questioning anything you do.

Kai straightened her back and took her pose.

I thought she already did that!

Her eyes closed and face relaxed,

Is she still wearing the glasses?

as soon as the bow touched the strings everyone felt their breaths being taken away.

I'm sure they do. Go to hell, Kai, you already said that you're not good at anything, so I'm just going to assume that this is all just in her mind.

Kai moved the bow skilfully; she didn't see or hear anything around her. She was completely devoted to the music, to the violin...she was absorbed. It felt like she being carried away on the wings of a large bird across the oceans.

*yawn* Oh, sorry. I think I'm starting to lose focus, because this is completely boring me.

Franky's eyes never left the girl.

So now we're suddenly in Franky's head?

She was a strange and rude female,

Damn right, she is. Well, not really strange. Just rude.

there was nothing special about her looks either; in fact she looked like a guy in her baggy jeans and a baggy black long sleeved t-shirt,

And yet, Zoro and Luffy were able to identify her as a girl while she was sitting down!

and yet as soon as she started playing the violin it seemed as if she transformed.

-into a T-Ford!

At first her eyes were closed but when she opened them, they were full of passion, desire and feelings he couldn't quite catch or reach.

If he can't understand the feelings in her eyes, how can he see that they're there?

Franky shook his head. Blush covered her page cheeks and her hair was swept away from her face by the wind.

Because even the wind wants the Sue to look as good as possible.

It was almost a magical view. *How can she just transform at the sound of a violin?* Franky thought

Authorial fiat? I don't know.

while violin "cried" in her hands.

Poor little violin. It realized that it's in the hands of a Sue.

Kai breathed out feeling her body shake from pleasure.

EEWWWW! Is she having an orgasm in front of everyone?! At least wait until you're not in public!

Her eyes travelled from one crew member to another; she looked at them, but she didn't see them.

They just aren't that necessary or important.

When her gaze stopped at Franky her eyes widened slightly.

(Sue): Holy crap, he's got a booger the size of a fist hanging out from his nose! How does he not notice that?

The man felt his heart beat speed up; it hurt and that moment he wish he could replace his heart with metal as well.

Er... Why? Why the hell would he want that? That's a very random thing to say, isn't it?

*Why...?* he thought as the violin suddenly stopped playing.

AHA! They're being brainwashed! That's what it is! She's brainwashing them with the music!

"What...was that music?" Nami's voice called out from the back. Kai looked at her girl; Nami's head was down, as if refusing to look up at the stranger. Kai didn't mind.

... Two words. FUCK. YOU.

I mean-goddamn! She has Nami completely bullied and cowed now, doesn't she? Nami is a strong woman, damn it! She should not be acting like this AFTER THE WATER 7 ARC! This is set a long time after the Arlong arc, and while Nami does feel uneasy when reminded about Arlong and the fishmen, she doesn't break down into a sobbing wreck at the thought of Bellemere or her past!

"Love in Venice..." she replied. "Originally played by Antonio Lucio Vivaldi. Did you like it?" Kai's gaze pierced.


Nami nodded. "It reminded you of something, didn't it?" she continued. Nami nodded once again.

(Nami): Yes, it reminded me how much I wanted to kill you.

… Oh, sorry, that was me. Got to be careful about channeling myself into the canon characters.

Kai didn't say a word. She looked up at the sky, her thoughts mixed up.

(Sue): Huh... Maybe other people have feelings and histories as well? Nah. That's impossible. I'm the only one who has feelings and has a real tragic past. Everyone else are just puppets here for me to play with.

She let out a deep sigh and brought the violin back in the needed position. "Then I will play this one especially for you."

(Sue): She seems extra resistant to my brainwashing. All right. I'll just have to pull out the Big One just for her.

Nami slowly looked up as the music reached her ears; Kai's eyes never left her. She played, eagerly trying to bring across her own feelings.

YOU DON'T HAVE FEELINGS, KAI! Isn't that supposed to be your whole deal? That you were raised not to have feelings? Really, nekozawakun, can't you keep your own character straight for one chapter?

A bit apologetic, a bit sad, a bit distressed with a hint of hope and happiness in them.

That is a lot of emotions to be crammed into one short song. And what the fuck are you trying to prove here, anyway, Kai? It still sounds like you're trying to brainwash Nami into forgiving you even though you don't feel the least bit sorry about what you did to her earlier.

Nami bit her lower lip. *Don't think you will buy me with that playing of yours.* she thought, yet she couldn't help but realise that Kai's playing was sincere.

Sincere, my left foot. Like I said. Brainwashing. Nami is smart enough to catch on to what's going on, but she's not strong enough to go up against the Sue on her own.

Nami bit her lip harder. *Why someone like her can create such a beautiful sound capable to bring out emotions?* she thoughts angrily yet her anger was quickly fading away.

So she's angry, but her anger is fading away... Sure, whatever.

Can anyone explain to me how Kai, who does not seem to understand empathy or even that other people actually have emotions, can play music that is so moving that you'll be completely stunned by its beauty when you hear it? How can she understand the emotions in the music?

"I've heard this piece played by Vanessa Mae." Kai stated.

Thank you, that is completely useless information.

"Though those names probably mean nothing to you." she added gently tracing her fingers over the violin.

Yes, and to me as well. I have no idea who that is, just like I have no idea why I had to sit through this damn scene!

"So!" Luffy smirked. "I will repeat my question! Would you like to join our crew? You can be our musician. We don't have one yet!" Luffy continued smiling. Kai turned her head to Sanji.

-completely ignoring Luffy's question. She likes to do that because Luffy is not interesting enough or something.

"Can I have another one of your cigarettes please?" she asked with her head tilted to a side.

How many packs do you smoke every day, anyway? You're up to... what, five cigarettes in... half an hour or something?

"YOU CAN TAKE THEM ALL AND ME ALONG WITH THEM!" he yelled dropped on her piles of cigarette packs.

How many did HE have on him, anyway? That's just ridiculous.

Kai caught 5 and shoved into her pockets making them stick out.

The pockets or the cigarette packs?

"Thank you blondie, but cigarettes are enough for me." She replied with a grin on her face.
"I'M BEING IGNORED!" Luffy yelled.

Luffy is not five years old, typist!

"Hey, Luffy, do you think it's a wise idea?" Usopp whispered into the captain's ear. "We don't know anything about her...especially with her being from...a different time period or something." He added as his long nose poked the captain into his cheek. Luffy flicked his nose and laughed. "I'M BEING SERIOUS HERE!"

SO IS USOPP! He's got an awesome point! This woman has done pretty much nothing but antagonized everyone on the ship, but she plays the violin, so of course she can be trusted!

"So am I! We need a musician and I've already decided.

Wait, was Usopp the one who shouted that he was being serious? Huh. It didn't read like it.

You are the one!" he pointed at Kai. Kai eyed his finger that stretched out and touched her forehead. Kai blinked.
"GYAAAAA!" she yelled jumping away from it.

To be fair, I would probably react the same if someone stretched his arm like Luffy.

It was the first time she expressed such a hilarious emotion.

It's not THAT funny.

Franky chuckled quietly but couldn't hold himself and laughed out hard holding onto his stomach.

Especially not gut-bustingly funny.

"Too...hahah...damn...funny!" he continued laughing as the rest joined in.
"Luffy here is a rubber man." Zoro said, he and Nami were the only ones who weren't laughing.

Because they were used to it, or because they just don't have any humor in this story? We may never know.

Kai turned away muttering to herself. "You don't want to know what "rubber" stands for where I come from."

Why not? So you tell them that 'rubber' is a word for condom, and they either go “Huh. Well, it's not that kind of rubber we're talking about” or “What's a condom?” Or there will be jokes about Luffy being a condom man for a few days, and then it dies out. Not everyone are offended or grossed out by condoms, Kai. They're useful little things.

She straightened and took a deep breath eyeing Luffy.


With a swift move she was beside him pulling on his cheeks. They stretched as far as she pulled; she released his skin allowing it to return to its original position.

You know, you could ask for permission before attacking him like that. Saying 'please' does wonders. But I guess you don't even know what that word means.Uh, no, it doesn't.

"Weird." She muttered once again as she lit another cigarette and smoked thoughtfully.

Sure. We haven't forgotten your little freakout a moment ago. Acting cool doesn't work.

"Chopper also has a power," Usopp said proudly as Chopper changed into his human form. Kai's eyes widened. She rubbed her temples in realisation that everything was actually true.

... That what was true?

*I really thought it was some kind of stupid joke up until now, but...*

What is a joke? I don't think anything has been joked about regarding powers up to this point.

she eyed the crew her eye twitching. She wasn't scared, more shocked than anything else.

Oh, of course she wasn't scared. It wouldn't be cool to be scared of the monsters.

"And Franky here is a cyborg." Usopp added.
For the first time in her life Kai chocked on cigarette smoke; she eyes the tallest man of the crew.

(Sue): Cyborg, huh? Maybe I can reprogram him to do my bidding?

"Everything on his front side of the body is made of metal." Usopp said. Kai raised her eyebrows.
"Everything?" she gave Franky a meaningful look which made him blush.

Franky had no problems running naked through Water 7. I don't think one woman hinting at him having a metal dick would make him blush.

Kai looked down at her feet. "I feel very disturbed."

Why? It's the others who should feel disturbed because of you.

She mumbled scratching the back of her head.
"YOU ARE IGNORING ME AGAIN!" Luffy yelled stretching his neck and bringing his face loser to hers. Kai backed away slightly. She ran her hand through her hair quickly removing it from her face and tying it.

I don't give a fuck about your damn hair! Stop mentioning it unless it's important!

Franky swallowed breathing heavily. It was too sudden. Her pale face, intense red hair, green was too sudden for him.

What, is he allergic to that combination of features?

It felt as if an invisible force pulled her towards him and he couldn't do anything but obey. He clenched his large hands fighting the feelings that indulged him all of a sudden.

This does not sound healthy.
Fight the Sue, Franky! Fight the Sue!

"Fine." She replied looking at the captain. "I will be your musician, but..."
"What?" Luffy asked wondering what BUT can be there.

Don't write out what Luffy is thinking! Oda has made a point never to do that.

"Only until I find a way to get back home." She added. Luffy thought for a moment.
"Agreed!" he laughed. "EVERYBODY! WE HAVE A NEW NAKAMA!"

(everyone else): Yaaaay...

Franky felt happiness quickly spreading through his body mixing with other unknown feelings;

It's called lust, Franky. As a thirty-two-year-old man, I would think you're at least somewhat familiar with it.

he shook his head and decided to strike his usual happy pose. Kai blinked faster not understand what it was all about but didn't say a word. She rubbed her temples feeling her eye twitch.

You should probably get that checked out.

*What the hell am I doing?* she thought to herself as she stood up and stretched allowing a bit of her back to be revealed.

Wow. That is some clumsy way to reveal a plotpoint, isn't it?

"Hey, what's that on your back?" Chopper asked as he walked closer.

Oh noes, they noticed that something was on her back when she deliberately lifted her shirt to show it off to them! What ever shall we do?

"Hm?" Kai looked down at him.
"On your back...there was something colourful." He said smiling cutely at her.

I do think Chopper has seen tattoos before, you know.

"Oh...that." she lit another cigarette. "It's a trademark of my family."

... Wait.

"A trademark?" Nami asked. "A tattoo is it?"

You can't be serious...

Kai nodded, not bothered to reply. It felt as if she did too much talking already. It wasn't like her at all.

So you say. But with all the internal narrating you're doing, saying 'yes' doesn't seem like such a chore, does it?

"C...can I see please?" Chopper asked his eyes glowing pleadingly. Kai stared at him in amusement.
*Well, I guess here they don't know what "yakuza" are.*

Yakuza. You made her part of the yakuza. What the hell.

she thought. *Normal people wouldn't ask me to show it to them. Usually I hide it just for that reason...*

You're not very good at hiding it if you show it off just by stretching a little. Idiot.

"P...please?" Chopper begged again. Kai looked at him once again.
"Why?" she asked. Chopper was quiet for a moment. "I'm a doctor." He said.

What does that have to do with it?

"Yes, I know that." she replied wondering where the conversation was going.

You and me both.

She felt all the eyes on them two and she didn't like it.

Well, stop attracting the attention, like by showing off your damn yakuza tattoo, then!

Too much attention wasn't in her daily life, unless she was at home, but this was different. It felt as if they were expecting something from her.

They don't. You can still say “No, I don't feel comfortable showing you my tattoo just yet. You weren't supposed to see it in the first place” if you really don't want the attention. But no. That's not what you'll do.

"If that thing is done with what I think it's done," the reindeer continued, "In the future it might cause you a serious skin condition."

What? Who cares? You don't see Chopper whining about Nami's or Franky's tattoos! Besides, how the hell does Chopper know how her tattoo was made?

Kai laughed heartedly. "I'm not worried about that." she said feeling someone's especially piercing gaze on her.

Oh, sorry. That was me. I was trying to kill you with my mind, but all I got was a headache.

She looked from the corner of her eyes to see the Franky eyeing her up and down.

Wow. Creepy.
I like how she called him the Franky there.

She felt her eye twitch once again. *Curiosity killed a cat.* she thought, but turned around never the less.

Why would anyone be hurt by you showing them your tattoo? It's not like the yakuza exist in the One Piece world. … well, at least not yet.

"If you want to see it, I'll show you." she said quickly pulling off her long sleeved t-shirt. She felt a few gasps behind her as all the eyes were attached to her back.

GASP! IT'S A HUGE TATTOO! Come on. The tattoo doesn't mean anything to them!

Her whole back didn't have a place of skin that wasn't tattooed; the tattoo was of a black and red dancing dragon that was situated on most of her back, surrounded by various other items such as leaves and flowers,

I'm sure it's really nice.

the tattoo stretched out to her arms wrapping them like in a skin tight t-shirt. Kai quickly pulled on the t-shirt

What t-shirt? She was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, not a t-shirt!

and turned back to the team.

Team? What team?

Sanji dropped his cigarette on deck, as the rest stared wide eyed at her.

Why are they shocked into silence? It's a tattoo!

"Tsk..." Kai sighed and tilted her head.
"As I thought..."Chopper said sadly.

I'm getting sick of writing the word WHAT? Why is he sad?

Kai didn't reply.
Franky felt a lump stuck in his throat as his eyes fell upon her back.

Why the hell is he about to cry because he saw her tattoo?

That slender body back

The what now?

was covered with a scary tattoo...he couldn't help but feel sorry for it.

... The tattoo or the body back, whatever that is?

He wanted to caress it and kiss it...he wanted to be gentle with it, as if trying to heal the wounds of her skin.

DUDE! That is fucking creepy! What is also creepy is the vibes of “Oh, my god! A woman whose skin isn't perfect and white and silky smooth! I, as a big strong man must completely ignore the fact that she may actually like her tattoo, and decide that she shouldn't have it, because...”

You know what, I have no damn idea why he's thinking this. It's creepy. The end.

Franky slapped himself mentally for having such indecent thoughts about someone he just met.

That wasn't him slapping himself. That was me. *rubs her hand*

*I want to caress her...* the thought popped in his head making him groan in annoyance. Everyone's gazes turned towards him. He blinked and laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head. "It's nothing! Nothing at all." He rushed to reassure.


"You are indeed one creepy woman." Zoro stated thoughtfully.

Because of her tattoo? What?

"So I've been told."
"Idiotic marimo!" Sanji smacked the swordsman across the head, feeling sorry that he didn't have a frying pan in hands.

Sanji would kick him, not smack him with his hand.

"ERO COOK! YOU BASTARD!" Zoro grabbed the blonde's collar and shook him. They continued quarrelling ignoring everybody else. Luffy laughed loudly.
"That was a pretty cool picture on your back." he stated.

That's probably how people would react if they didn't know about the yakuza.

"Thank you?"

You're welcome?

"Hey Franky, show her where she will be sleeping." Luffy said smiling and running towards the kitchen. Franky nodded. He felt nervous but didn't want anyone to notice.

This is a man in his early thirties who feels comfortable to walk around in a speedo. And he's getting flustered like a schoolkid.

"Follow me." He ordered and quickly made his way into the quarters. Kai followed him silently. She looked at his back eyeing his broad shoulders and large arms. She was naturally used to seeing manly men,

Naturally. Of course.

but he was different. The word "cyborg" appeared on her mind. *I see.* her eyes travelled from his back...lower down.

Stop staring at his ass!

"Why are you wearing underwear?" that question kept bugging her the whole time. Franky froze for a moment but quickly regained himself.
"That's what I usually wear." He replied.
"Don't you feel cold or uncomfortable?" she continued questioning.

Obviously not. Then again, you could argue that there seem to be a lot of shrinkage going on there...

"No." He felt bothered. Why did she ask him about such a thing? She didn't like it? *What if she doesn't like it?* he thought almost desperately. *Hold it! What do I care what she likes and dislikes?* he groaned once again.

*groans as well* Can't this story be over soon? This is getting really painful.

They stopped in front of a wooden door. Franky opened the door and switched on the light. He moved aside, allowing Kai to walk in as well. She looked around. It was a plain room with a bed and table and chair.

NOOOO! That is wrong! There are two separate sleeping quarters on the Thousand Sunny, just like on Going Merry! One for the women, and one for the men, and your Sue does not get her own damn room! The plans for both ships are available online, so there's no excuse for this! Unless they're making her sleep in a broom closet or something, she won't have any such privacy.

There was some paper and ink on the table,

And why does she get this?

and a small wardrobe for too far from the bed. Kai couldn't help but smile. She closed her eyes feeling peaceful. She liked it.

Yeah, enjoy your imaginary room.

"You will be staying here." He said. She nodded quickly approaching the bed. She fell on the softness and buried her face in the blanked. Franky watched her quietly as she cuddled the blanket feeling that he allowed him to see the side of her that she wouldn't let other to witness.

Because she's an idiot who forgets about people when she turns away from them?

He coughed trying to get her attention. She looked up and stared at him.

(Franky): Uh, yeah. I'll leave you and your blanket alone for a while. I didn't need to see that...

"This..." he said placing the violin she used earlier on the table. "Take this." Kai eyed the desired instrument.
"For me?" she asked almost not believing. Franky nodded. He turned around and marched to the door.

Yeah, it's not like anyone else is going to use it.

"Hold on." She said. He stopped and turned around. Kai was already next to the table holding the instrument in her hands. "Would you like me to play you something?" she asked. She wanted somehow to show him her appreciation.

Franky doesn't really strike me as a classical music kind of guy.

"Will you?"
Kai nodded. Franky smiled. He closed the door and walked into the room. He sat down on the floor and leaned on the wall closing his eyes. He could hear her soft movements as she prepared herself.
*Play for me.* he thought in anticipation and the next instant music filled his ears...

Again. Creepy.

All right, that's the end of part one of the Franky Story. I don't know if there will be a part two, but somehow, I'm hoping that there won't.

This character is obnoxious. I would not stand her in real life. In fact, I would stay as far away as possible from her at all times. I don't see what is supposed to be attractive about such a personality, and the reactions from the canon characters are pretty predictable, but still annoying as hell.

(edit: April 28th, 2012) Aand the story is taken down from FFnet. That's too bad. I was curious about what would happen.

suethor: nekozawakun, fic: franky three-shot, fandom: one piece

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