I'm still here

Feb 28, 2007 19:25

I don't think I've gone this long without journaling since i started this thing. I just haven't left like writing. But thought I hould do some kind of an update so you all know I'm alive. The last couple riding lessons didn't go well. I rode both Doc and josey. I was very tense and uncoordinated. I couldn't get my body to do what I needed it too. I think once this cold front disapears I'm gonna pay 60 bucks foor an hour and a half trail ride. Mayve if I remember what I love about riding I can relax a bit more in lessons. That won't help with the body crap much, but if I can remember why I keep pushing myself... I rode on Monday this week because of another commitment on Tuesday. I watched the class after mine. There was a teen with downs syndrome who was very sweet and friendly. She was capable of steering, but because of her CP she had both a side walkers and leaders. Then there was a mentally hadicapped boy who needed physical support, and was jus learning to steer. The last little girl could not sit up on the horse on her own. She was held on and her horse was fully controlled by the leader. It was a fascinating class to watch! They did the same kidns of stretching we did and then played a game where they had a nursery rhyme read to them. Around the areena were a variety of objects that related each to a different rhyme. A mitten was what they had to find for 3 little kittens. They had to ride to the object pick it up and put it in a bucket and then go hear the next rhyme and find the object. They had a candlestick for Jack Be Nimble, and plumbs for little Jack Horner. They were really in to it. The little girl was having a blast babling and laughing and just having fun! Being on that horse will do more good for her than any other therapist she sees this week! In between the 2 classes I took Ellie for a walk with the help of one of the volunteers. I'd never met her before. She is a christian and we got along really well. Yesterday, I went with several members of WCb and NFBW to the capotol building to to a public hearing on how the transition of the washington talking book and braille library should be handled. Its a long complicated mess that I won't try to explain here. If you want to know what's going on and why it is improtatnt hollor, and I'll explain it. I didn't testify at the hearing but did go deliver facts sheets to the reps frorm my district. The one rep was polite but uninterested, but the other talked to me about how it was to be a blind person living in my part of the county and seemed interested. I had to take a bus to the ferry then the feery to seattle where we caught a bus going to olympia. I left my house at8 AM And we reached the cap at about 10:45 I'm on my parents comp and jaws is about to die. I'll reboot and come back to continue this absolutely rivotting bit of ramble.

travel, ellie, riding

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