Wednesday at retreat

Aug 26, 2010 20:10

The morning began with me not being able to test my blood sugar. I haven't written about this in a long time, but it has been an ongoing frustration! I was also missing Ellie.
The worship was again wonderful. The sermon was from Jeremiah 18 about the potter and the clay was all about the fact that God is in charge and we well we aren't LOL.

In small group which once again was not small we watched a video about being invisible and talked about it and other things people wanted to share. The main things came out of the discussion were that we all need to develop a strong support system and we need to find way to bring ourselves in to a place of praising God and giving thanks when we are being beaten up by Satan.
After lunch we went up to the extreme swing because my Stm wanted to see it. She ended up going on it. You would never get me on something like that. We came down and sat listening to the kids play the water games they had out. They were playing worship music over some speakers which was really cool. I had gotten my blood sugar reading after lunch so wasn't quite as frustrated, but decided to go talk to the nurse to see if she had any advice on how to get more blood and get it on the strip. I wasn't sure if she could help some nurse don't know much about but others do so it was worth a try. It turns out she's a diabetes educator. How good of God to bring just the right person. She helped me with some hints getting blood. I've been having much better success with it. And we just talked for quite a while. It was very encouraging.
I went back to my room and read while Sarah was on break.
after dinner was the talent show. They encouraged everyone who wanted to be in the talent show which meant that it was quite long! There was everything from singing to a kid using a pogo stick to a kid who simply ran across the stage for his talent. I enjoyed it.
I was really tired emotionally that night. I'd had an emotional day.

travel, retreat

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