Apr 29, 2008 23:57
my week so far Lots to update you on probably a long entry.
I'll start with Sunday church. It was awesome. Amazing worship! and a good sermon. Pastor John has been preaching about the direction our church should
go. I have the feeling that some rather large changes are coming, but I don't know what. Anyway, he's been preaching this series and making it general
enough to apply to the church and specific enough to apply to us as individuals. Sunday was about the bedrock beliefs of our church and that we can hold
as Christians particularly during difficult times. They were very simple very important things like God forgives all sin. I am never alone. there were
6 of them. I'm ordering the CD And will be putting the notes in my LJ.
That afternoon I heard from Jae. She's giving lessons again, but she's cutting back so each of us will ride every 2 weeks or so. I'm riding next Monday
and we'll decide if I'm ready to show on Saturday. . She sounds really
tired.I don't know if she's really up to starting again but we'll see. I went back to school Monday. The whole thing about me not being able to come back was just a big miss understanding. I couldn't go back any sooner because of WaASL prep and the test itself. i hate the WASL! ! Ms. R has a student teacher now who is really good at least from what I can
tell so far. I took the kids 3 at a time to the library and we read a book about whales. Its an interesting one. I wish all the books we read were about
animals LOL. One of the pages talks about how baby whales are born. One of the groups got in to a discussion during which Oliver informed us all that babies
llamas which his parents raise and baby other mammals and even baby humans are pooped out the mom animals butt. ROFL I said well not exactly but they were
to in to the conversation to notice and I didn't push it because I'm not the sex ed teacher. LOL
I took the kids 3 at a time. We got through all 18. so, I won't go back this wek.
So, that's my week. Tomorrow is nothing. Thursay is therapy and bible study and Friday I'm doing something new.
during one of my last conversations with J she suggested I might enjoy working with miniature horses since I enjoy doing work on the ground so
much. She was going to contact someone for me, but hasn't or if she has the person hasn't chosen to contact me. I have no idea if I'd like working with
miniatures. I've only pet a couple of them. But I contacted a lady who is president of the mini horse club who happens to live in our town to see if I
could come out and just experience them. She was very open to it. She drives does halter, obstacle, and hunter/jumper.She says if I think I want to learn
how to work with them she gives lessons which I can work to reduce the cost by helping her groom some of her thirty minis. That's what I call a herd!
Somehow we got on the topic of what the shows are like. She told me that all miniature shows have classes for the handicapped. Last weekend she watched
someone in a wheelchair jump his horse. The horse just followed the chair's pace and the man's hand movements. Anyway,
I'll let you know what happens.
volunteering week in review