Apr 22, 2008 00:26
I just feel like writing, but I don't have anything to say. Oh wait, yes I do! I bought olympus off Ebay for 76 bucks. I won the bid on sunday, so I don't know when it'll be here. I hope it doesn't take an eternity. Lets see, my night with my parents was fine, but Ellie didn't get much of a run because of the weather its been crazy! When we left for our walk it was sunny, but cold, then it started hailing so we turned around, when we got home it was sunny again. We turned around but within ten mins it was raining and then snowing! On April 19th! But she did get a bit of a walk later that night in the freezing cold! The next Diane I visited Diane's mesianic church. Passover is beginning or I should say has begun Satursday was the first day so the sermon was about the purpose of passover and how it relates to us as christians. They have a new pastor and he's good much easier to follow than the previous one. They've mad some changes to the service too like adding a time with praise and prayer. The normal worship leader was gone so we sang with CD tracks. You can tell the songs weren't made for church congregations. It went long. I'd thought I'd never complin about worship being long, but each song was long and hard to follow. The children were very entertained by Ellie. Several of them alternated being playing in the back of church and petting Ellie. There was a 15 month old who was fascinated by Ellie. My dog is so good! Oh I know I've said it a million times, but I love seeing my dog around kids! Oh and one of the moms taught us the hebrew word for dog Sunday was church and an attempt at a route but it rained and I was so muddy and wet. Gosh! I am so ready for spring! Today was very full. I went to the library to return my book because I didn't want to be charged 25 cents for every day its overdue. I listened to the children's story time. There were a ton of kids and for quite a few of them it was the first time so it was pretty kaoticc. Later in the afternoon I went for a walk for a walk with Val. We did a new route. I don't know why we've never done this route since its here near home. We went to the local junior high and then turned around and came home. It was a 16 block route. Ellie did well going down, but missed some of the wierd pointy curbs on the way home and seemed a bit nervous on part of the route where the traffic is very close. But it was very good overall. I gave her a lot of encouragement and it seemed to help. After that we went shopping. Ellie was tired and didn't want to go fast and wanted to sniff. We did obedience in the store just for the heck of it. I've pretty much watched TV all night. I watched a new show called high schoo confidentail. It was disappointing The show follows 12 girls through high school. The variety of girls and what the dealk with it is a good prpresentation, but its just poorly. There's not much footage just mostly talking about events and not showing them. a good documentary does both I think. I don't know if there were restrictions for where the film crew could go or what. It jumped around and went really fast. It was easier to follow than that real orange county show was because there was sceen changes I wasn't trying to figure out who was in ths sceen and where they were. But, I don't know it just could've been much better done. So, I changed back my favorite Monday night shows. I won't list them, if you've been reading for any length of time than you know grin. Tomorrow is my dentist ap and then pain meds and sleep. Wednesay is open. Thursday is therapy and bible study and nothing on Friday. So I'll be back later to report on the rest of my week.Oh one more thing. A friend or I should say my husband's friend is coming to see if he can upgrade my computer with parts he has lying around from computers he built. he can bring me up to windows 2000. Do any of you have experience with it. Can I run msn and read adobe with a pretty current of jaws? If he can't upgrade me I'm going to look for a used XP machine with 512 megs and an eighty or higher hard drive. I'm thinking I'd like a lap top. But I'd have to spend more. Hmmmm, need to have mom look at my Olympus to see if it would run on a 2000 machine. They are also giving me 20 towards my trip either Kentucky or Jonni and Friends who I still haven't heard of. All righty off to read. I finished the white Hunter and wishing on a midngiht star this machine after being woken up by my neighbor yelling standing outside my window trying to wake up the person living above me. I was not planning to get up till 8:30. It worked out ok though because I got to listen to a show about the Akita and how it almost became extinct but it obviously isn't now LOL since my well apartment complex next door has one living there who always barks at Ellie. Anyway, it was interesting. And I'm raambling. This is what haappens when I feel the need to write, but have nothing to say. I really need to find some riding props or something. I mean writing. Guess you can tell what I wanna do LOL.
week in review,