when it all falls down it really falls down
this weekend has already hit me. but i didn't want it to come. the weekend i had been dreading all summer.
on saturday i will have my last moment with my lovely tortelloni called ET.
i have to take him to a sanctuary for exotic pets so he can hopefully find a new
and loving home. i can't take him to college and my parents don't want him.
this is so heartbreaking for me. he is so little and quiet.
i'm already missing him.
i don't want to give him up. i feel like i'm
one of those inconsiderate people who get rid of their animals when they are bored...
as thogh they are disposable... but i'm not bored and i'm not throwing him out... but i
feel so terrible. i wish i HAD more time to be with him.
i'm a mess over the whole situation.
at least i know he is going to be happy where he is going because he will have another tortoise friend.
ET is going to be in christmas, florida. it is inbetween orlando and cape canaveral.