Weird day at the grocery store

Aug 14, 2007 19:40

I had a really odd experience at the grocery store yesterday. As the bagger was bagging my groceries he says to me "Maam?" I turned and looked to listen to him. Now, before I go on - it was apparent that he was mentally disabled. I don't know how much but he was at least slightly. Anyway - he says, "Maam - you bought green bananas. You can't give these to your baby or he will get sick." I just nodded and said "Ok thank you." He goes on and says, "If your baby gets a hold of these and eats them they aren't ripe and he could get really sick. They need to be riper before you eat them." I then just said, "Ok thank you - I can handle it." I thought later I was probably a little rude, but really it's not his place to do that. I mean I buy them green because I have 2 more at home to finish so by the time I get to the new ones they are ripe! But I looked it up today and I saw that eating green bananas isn't bad for you at all. Just bitter but nothing in it will make you sick.

So do I say something to the store manager? I probably won't. I already complained at this store yesterday because my checker wouldn't correct the price of the chips I bought! I told him they were marked down but he said, "well I don't know - that's what they ring up for." I said, "well the sign is lower." He just shrugged and said, "What do you want to do?" I bought them - then walked all the way back to see the sale price and went to the service desk. His manager wasn't very happy with what I told her either! So yeah, I had rotten service at the store yesterday!

customer service, stories, food, shopping

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