Title: That's Not Fair
turtle_gooseCharacters: The Doctor (9), Rose
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and its accoutrements are the property of the BBC and copyright of Russel T. Davies and Steven Moffat. This is a work of fanfiction. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: Very slight angst???
Set: After The Unquiet Dead.
Summary: He hadn’t particularly cared for Rose’s behavior towards Gwyneth... mostly because it reminded him of himself, truth be told.
Author's Note: Third in my "On Rose Tyler" series. (No, I haven't written the first one yet (it'll be after the episode "Rose"), sue me, and it will probably be renamed once I think of something particularly clever.) I thought Rose in TUD was really interesting, especially with the parallels not only between her and Gywneth, but Rose and the Doctor. Major thanks to
asweetdownfall for looking this over for me. ♥
That's Not Fair can be read at