Title: There's Me
turtle_gooseCharacters: The Doctor (9), Rose
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Doctor Who and its accoutrements are the property of the BBC and copyright of Russel T. Davies and Steven Moffat. This is a work of fanfiction. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: Very slight angst???
Set: After The End of the World.
Summary: From anyone else, it would have sounded callous and arrogant beyond all reason...
Author's Note: So, my second Doctor Who fic, which is really more of a drabble-turned-ficlet. I have this idea for a series of musings/introspections/whatever on Rose Tyler during Series 1. Maybe a ficlet for each episode, I don't know. I started with this episode because it's such an interesting dynamic between Nine and Rose, especially with Nine's choice of destination. And, while some people read the "There's me," line in a negative way, I found it terribly interesting to listen to and watch Rose during that part... because it doesn't strike me as uncaring at all.
There's Me can be read at