phoenix39's Belated Christmas Prezzie!

Jan 11, 2010 12:59

→ 65 Dexter (S1-S4)
→ 25 Pushing Daisies (miscellaneous)
→ 27 Supernatural (1x01-1x06)
= 117 ICONS


Unfortunately, due to nearly exceeding bandwidth on my Photobucket account, I have moved these icons to another account.

If you can promise me not to hotlink and further exceed my bandwidth, please comment to this entry that you would like to see the icons! I will then comment (through a screen post) with the link of my other hosting site.

I know this is complicated, but Photobucket blows!

Thank you for understanding and please don't hesitate to post some feedback if you like what you see!


+Resources are here.
+NO HOTLINKING, PLEASE! (proper way to use icons = right-click; "save image-as" onto computer; upload)
+If you take something, please let me know and credit me, turquoisetumult , somewhere as its maker.
+I've tried some new things here so any feedback would be greatly appreciated. ENJOY! :D

[+Thanks to Jane for requesting Dexter icons and giving me a reason to actually do something for that awesome shows! Hee. Hope you like your gifts, hon!]

pushing daisies, supernatural, tv shows, dexter, gifts, holidays, icons

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