Nov 04, 2011 21:05
Day Four.
10024 / 50000.
I'll keep this brief, this time.
Yesterday was disrupted by various goings out and a drastic late afternoon downwards trend in my mood and so the daily wordcount came in at mildly disappointing 1200. With urging from 'Im Indoors, I was up-and-at-'em this morning. By my calculations... OK, by my SPREADSHEET's calculations, I'm an eyelash under two days ahead of the bare minimum calculated from the daily 1667 average*.
And I'm still managing to do the washing up! *the slumping sound of 7 billion jaws dropping*
The best thing about this, is disciplining myself to write daily and at length. I'm not setting myself a target, other than to outdo the 1667. I'm keen to see how long it takes me to polish off a first draft of Volume 2, if I keep hacking away at it like this.
I will be away for two nights visiting my family next weekend and am not planning on taking my laptop so will most likely have a couple of days break. I'm writing it on Google Docs though, so I'd still be able to access it from my parents' place if I really couldn't leave it alone.
Stop playing with yourself, Hooper.
* Yeah, I've done a spreadsheet. I only have to put in the overall total, and it tells me how many words I've done today, how far ahead/behind I am with the 1667 average and what percentage I have written. I am a nerd; I do not refute this!