[BLOG] Nanowrimo Day Fourteen: Every Time I Think I'm Out, They Pull Me Back In...

Nov 14, 2011 15:07

Did you think I was MIA, didyer? Hmm?

Fear not! I turn up once again, like a bad penny.

In the interim; I've been to West Suffolk, into Essex briefly, stopped off in Ipswich and rode up the spine of Suffolk in a Ford Focus and back once again, with the ill behaviour, with the ill behaviour.

I must confess to not writing a single word on my Nanowrimo project for 4 full days. However all was far from lost as I'd been two days ahead up until that point. I've clawed a full day back over the course of yesterday and today and am on target to hit 25k tomorrow.

Providing I can concentrate.

We all struggle to concentrate. I find myself creating a Pink Floyd bubble to shut out the random street noise that filters through our abode and can fly along merrily in hot pursuit of the story, the sequel, the endgame and the equal. Much in the style of Nyan Cat, if you will.

For yes, I am also now part Pop Tart, too. Raspberry with pink icing...

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You'll thank me later.

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