Dec 13, 2008 18:34
I have a few things today, because I'm a big old cheater.
I have quite a few people I talk to regularly in email and they all have their own individual folders in Thunderbird. I was just looking at them and thinking of all the emails they contain. Everything from one sentence saying, check this now! To long involved conversations that span days, sometimes weeks. Each one of my friends is precious to me, from the people I talk to pretty much daily to the ones that get in touch every now and then just because. I'm incredibly lucky, and are reminded of that on a daily basis.
I got another gift today, which means there's now two under the tree \o/ Despite the lack of a name, I'm sure it was from my pea <3 I also got a card from Josh. Thank you!
My SeSa story is going so well just now, which is a relief considering not so long ago it was making me want to tear my hair out. I've been writing today and I really like what I have and I also know I have plenty of time to finish and get it polished up to the best it can be.
Mikey's twitters, that made me laugh when I read them.
Merlin in less than an hour!
To finish. I got to sleep in a warm bed last night while Corey slept on the pet shop floor and James in an office chair. I know, I'm mean.