(no subject)

Dec 12, 2008 11:34

Happy things meme day two, and also it's supposed to be for eight days, but apparently I can't read.

This is pretty much a direct copy from what sperrywink said yesterday, but the Mikey/Pete/Frank Summer of Like fic we're comment writing together makes me happy. Each time I see a new comment for it arrive I have glee. Branching off from that to something else that makes me happy, comment ficcing with other people. I tend to do it a lot, most of which never go anywhere and may be of dubious quality, but it's fun and low pressure, which is always a good combination. I tend to comment fic with sperrywink a lot because we share very similar pairing/character likes, but also have clear memories of writing Mikey/Frank porn with themoononastick and llama threemanbus porn with llamabitchyo, which just shows that people go out of their way to corrupt me. *is innocent*

Other happy things. Thank you so much Raven, Saba and Becca for the cards. You're all awesome *mwah*

My boys are off doing a scout sleep over tonight. It's some challenge they take part in to sleep in the weirdest place, so a bunch of them are sleeping in a pet store. Which means my plans for today are lots of writing, probably many mugs of hot chocolate too.

ETA: Forgot to say, over a year after I changed from them to Sky as my broadband provider I received an email from BT saying if I wanted to keep my old BT email addresses I needed to pay them just under £2 a month. Which granted, is not much at all, but still, no. That's especially so as I only use my gmail account now. Way to be on the ball, BT.

Before that though, the first of the picspams, and feel free to go back and request something else if you like. I really do love picspamming and it'll save you all from a December of me just talking about having SeSa angst.

I'm doing them in received order, so for sperrywink who asked for

Sad Mikey is sad. Though it's Mikey, he could be the happiest he's ever been in his life but just isn't letting on. I feel I need to tell you here that I love eye make-up on guys, so very much. Which is why I love that Mikey still wears his.

Bless, it's baby!Mikey, with a hair do that I'm sure took my hours to perfect.

A very come hither look I feel, the question is, who's he looking at? I have my own theories, but feel free to insert you own person.

Kisses along jawlines. That's all I can think of right now.

Someone should have asked for Mikey and hats, the man has worn so many over the years.

This is one of my favourite pictures. Hair is important!

A two for one, they're just adorable.

Totally a superstar in the making, yes?

The hair flick! Also, I love that he looks caught between being pissed and going to sleep standing up.

Lost in thought.

With most people you could say he was tired/stoned/drunk, with Mikey you can add he's just having his usual eyes closing issue.

So pretty omg.

I often wonder how he doesn't get heat stroke in some of the clothes he performs in. Also, may I say I approve of Mikey's open mouth. A lot.

Like I wasn't going to include it.

Went on a trip, took my bass, posed, like you do.

I think he's wearing glasses, my eyes seem to be stuck at thigh level.

Every superstar needs shades that are almost as big as their face!

Sniff :(

See, what did I tell you about the hats.

I'm sure we've all had days like that. You're travelling, carrying a load of stuff, are tired and just can't be bothered. At least we don't have people wanting our picture.

The Mikeyway smile. A thing of wonder.

Have I mentioned his pretty mouth? No. Well I suck. Look at his pretty mouth.

Mikey has shoulders, were you aware of that?

Damn, I suspect that shouldn't be as hot as it is.

It's not really a good glasses picture, but his fingers creep me out big style. Look at them!

Oh, shut up.

I feel this is a good picture to end on.

mikey: so pretty, picspam

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