(no subject)

Jan 07, 2012 16:41

I'm back to scraping wallpaper in my bedroom today. I ask you, why did I decide redecorating it was a good idea? The 80s stripes and border combo would have come back into fashion one day, and if asked I could have said the faded squares were deliberate design elements.

I have to admit though, I got Corey to do the parts of the wall I couldn't reach. So I got to scrape behind the bookcases and he did over the windows.

Other things. It was bandomstuffsit reveals yesterday so I can share that I wrote Standing on the Edge Believing for s0ckpupp3t. Mikey centric, body swap with hauling around, cross dressing and implied gsf going on. Surprise!

Though not a surprise to few people, in fact, ladyfoxxx actually said in her comment to the story that she knew the writer, because I'm just that transparent it seems.

Gah this story. While I love it like crazy many times I swore that I was never going to write body swap again as it was too complicated, and then added on top was the fact I'd decided to give each person their own sex scene. I have to admit, a few times I was close to trying to write something else, especially as s0ckpupp3t had indicated they liked h/c on the sign up form. Which is where I need to say a huge thanks to
kopperblaze who read through as I was still writing and took the time to leave positive comments on the Gdoc, because of her I got the boost I needed to finish the thing, and the three place holder scenes I had left.

Which of course were the three sex scenes. When I first got my assignment I was thrilled because it was full of pairings and things that I love. Seriously, apart from the Adam pairings there wasn't a thing on the sign up I wouldn't have been happy to attempt. But it was the body swap that caught my eye, especially after the Kerrang interview where they all said they'd be Mikey. It seemed like a sign, so I decided to run with it, and try and include some of the other wants in the three sex scenes, narrowing those down to cross dressing, handkink and bondage.

My initial thought was to use Ray for hand kink, but in the end it seemed to fit Frank better, and I got fixated on the idea of him watching his own hands while jerking himself off -- brief interlude, 2011 will forever be the year of Frank rubbing one out for me. You'd think after how many times I wrote that it would get easier, but, nope -- which left cross dressing and bondage to divide between Ray and Gerard, something that was an easy decision to make. Not because I thought Ray would suck at cross dressing, more I had another really vivid scene in my head, that of Gerard wanting to dress his own body in Lindsey's clothes, taking in how he looked and being unashamed at being turned on by himself. Which left Ray and bondage, which didn't actually happen in the end as I sort of swerved to one side and went in a body size kink direction.

I was thrilled that people seemed to enjoy the story. I very much wanted to focus not just on the sex parts, but on how it felt to swap bodies. The changed perceptions and being inside a body that wouldn't react as your own. And of course, Mikey getting lots of sex. I can admit that.

Huge thanks go to
kopperblaze for the cheerleading,
sperrywink for first beta, and themoononastick for the final beta despite being sick. Sorry for teasing with James, one day I will get him together with Mikey just for you ♥

Also, it was
lucifuge5 who wrote The Bunk Next Doorthe story of Frank/Mikey awesomeness for me. I'm very impressed she managed to keep that secret when I follow her on both DW and twitter.
Thank you so much, bb. You helped make this exchange amazing for me.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Reply where you wish.

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