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Jan 06, 2012 14:10

I've really enjoyed reading the stuffsit stories and figured I'd post some recs as the standard for the whole exchange has been really high.

I still haven't read all of the stories and there are a load that I read and enjoyed that aren't on this list, simply because I was verging on mentioning nearly the whole exchange.

The Bunk Next Door Frank/Mikey. Also, it's the story for me therefore it's the best story! When I read this my immediate reaction on twitter was, this was written by someone on my flist or someone who's great at stalking. That remains true. It's got so many things I love. One of Mikey's exes is Ryan, Ryan and Pete and there's talk about Mikey loving Frank when he put on weight and good Way bros and just. This person knows me so well. All the conversations were great and it was just delightful and wonderful. Which is why you should go and read right now.

Trade Mistakes -- A Brendon/Spencer bodyswap story I liked a lot. It made me laugh while also being blisteringly hot. A combination I love.

Fade Like Evening Patrick/Pete that was written beautifully, though hurt to read in places. It ached in the best way.

Love You In The Dark. Ashlee/Vicky T -- this was such a great universe, one I'd like to read more of.

Mikey Way and the Quest For the Stone -- I love this. It's Frank/Mikey and an adventure story based on Romancing the Stone. Seriously, it's great. The pace is frantic and yet there's still time to enjoy everything going on, how the bandom characters are slotted seamlessly into the story, sometimes in very unexpected ways. It's up there as one of my top favourites for this challenge.

Couch Crashing Seduction Asshole!Frank. This was so much fun to read. I loved Frank and unsurprisingly his scenes with Mikey were my favourite. But mostly this was a whole lot of fun to read, plus, James being involved in a pairing. So much win.

Inside a Tornado Gabe/Pete, pre Gabe/Pete/Bebe (mention of past Pete/Ashlee) This is such an amazing story. It's written really well and I love Bebe in it. Against Pete and Gabe she appears so young and unsure at first, but never weak. Not in the slightest. I really liked the ending too.

I am the heart that you call home Gabe/Mikey/William. Oh, this story. It's one without too much detail, but it doesn't need it, because it works with just the details we're given. Mikey, William and Gabe pulled together, hooking up in pairs and then together. Also, so much love for how the Way bros relationship was written. The last part with the coffee. My heart.

The Care and Maintenance of Way Brothers. -- Ray/Mikey/Gerard, background /wives, background GSF. Hot. Like. Burning!

A Quick Drop In -- Brendon/Greta (mentions of Ryan/Tom) This is such a cool universe, and one I'd like to read more about.

the power to give it all back -- If you've read this story and know how I feel about the Way bros I'm sure you'll know my reaction. But man, I liked this a lot. It hurt to read at times but I'm glad I stuck with it.

I Will, Tonight Spencer/Ryan. So here's the thing. I have rose coloured glasses in terms of Ryan and Spencer and their friendship. I want them to be bffs always, which means that this story was always going to pull me in, and it did. I enjoyed it a lot, especially how well they know each other.

Homesick at Space Camp Brendon/Mikey. This is amazing, and up there with my top favourites too. Whoever wrote this created such an interesting universe, one where werewolves are known and to make it extra awesome, set it in a universe where space travel happens. How Mikey and Brendon come together works for me really well, and I loved the use of every character.

The Things Frank Plays Frank/Gerard, Gerard/Lindsey. I'm sure it's no surprise that I like sex worker stories, so you know, I figured I'd like this, and I did. I especially like it was Lindsey who arranged for Frank to go over, and she knew exactly what Gerard would need.

Clandestine Boys (Have Nothing to Hide) Pete/Patrick. A story where Pete runs a porn studio and Patrick goes for a job. This is so good. I loved both Patrick and Pete, but what I loved the most was how rich the whole universe was. Every character used seemed right, blending together to create a story I was sad to see end.

The Clank of a Night Train Frank/Mikey. I have to say, all the Frank/Mikey stories have made me so happy. This one has a different feel to the rest, and I felt so bad for Mikey. The writer did a great job of conveying his exhaustion and I liked it didn't take the cheap way out at the end.

Home in Exile Alicia/Mikey/Pete. Alicia is kick ass in this. It's yet another AU that impressed me and left me wanting more. How they got together made sense to me and I love that it's from Alicia's pov.

Food of Love (Play On) Alex/Ryland. These two work so well together, and this is such a great AU that I could easily believe in. Loved Gabe in it, too.

In My Blood like Holy Wine Mikey/Gerard/Frank. I don't have words for how much I love this. This threesome is one of my favourites and the writer did an amazing job.

Take Me Back to You Jon/Spencer -- I really liked this story. Admittedly because secretly I'd love Ryan and Jon back in Panic -- I know it's not going to happen, but I'd like it to -- so a story like this was onto a great start from the first word. But more than that, I loved the style and flow and how nothing was exactly easy, but getting that way.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Reply where you wish.

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