May 25, 2009 17:41
Why is it so hard for you to believe that i am in-love with you?
Why can't you believe that i have never and would never cheat on you?
Why is my past so important to you?
I should have never tried to make you see anything... you dont care about anything i have to say... i have defended you so many times when people dare say that you are an asshole and that you dont treat me right...why is it that you must bring up my past? i dont bring up yours! i dont know what it is... and i dont know why i cant just break up with you a move on like ive done in the past... why cant i screw around behind your back? this is the ONE time i havent cheated or lied and for being a good girlfriend i get treated like a cheating whore... why cant you just see that i love you and thats all.... is it that hard to believe that ive changed? i mean really. i dont know what else to do... maybe breaking up is a good idea... maybe we should have never happened.. we should have just left it as that one time we got drunk and had sex... and we'd still be friends, we'd laugh about it and then maybe do it again... sorry for loving you....
i think its time to love myself...
i'll always love you
<3 Cam