Stranger (Standalone)

Jun 20, 2012 02:10

Title: Stranger
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Third
Summary: “Don’t tell me!” he insisted, and Alex raised an eyebrow. “The mystery keeps you intrigued, right? It drives you to keep going, to find out more. I don’t want to find out just yet.”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.

“I’m sorry, bro, but Cassadee has the night off and she asked me to come spend the night with her,” Rian said, and Alex rolled his eyes, drumming his fingers on the bar.

“You are so fucking whipped, Dawson,” he answered, lifting his drink up and taking a sip of it. “You could have at least called me before I got to the bar.”

“I really am sorry, Al,” Rian said, “but you know how demanding her job is. We barely get time alone anymore.”

“Yeah, yeah, wi-cha,” Alex mumbled into the phone.

“Shut up, dude,” Rian groaned and Alex chuckled.

“Whatever. Go fuck your girlfriend. I guess I’ll go home and sit alone and watch reruns of Sex and the City while I slowly drown myself with red wine. Later,” Alex told the younger, who he could hear her huff over the phone.

“Don’t be so dramatic,” Rian answered.

“Whatever. Bye, loverboy,” Alex said, not waiting for the younger to reply before he ended the call. He set his iphone down on the bar, sighing and picking up the glass his drink was in. He swished the dark amber liquid around in the glass before tipping it back. “Fucking Rian.”

“Kamikaze,” Alex heard a voice say behind him, watching the barstool next to him become occupied by a man about his age.

Alex looked him over, seeing he was wearing a tight gray v-neck matched along with an even tighter pair of dark denim skinny jeans. Alex examined the dark blue Nike dunks on his feet, raising an eyebrow. His eyes moved back up to the boys face, and his gaze was met by a pair of dark, playful eyes.

“Hi there,” the boy said, flashing white teeth and quirking an eyebrow.

Alex opened his mouth to speak, finding it had suddenly gone incredibly dry. The boy was so gorgeous, and Alex was making an ass of himself while doing his best impression of a fish.

“Do you speak?” the stranger asked, smirking. “Fuck, don’t tell me I’m trying to pick up a mute again. It was so awkward the last time.”

“N-no,” Alex stuttered out, mentally smacking himself. Fucking smooth, Gaskarth.

“Oh, good. I like to hear my boys scream,” the stranger purred, running his index finger over Alex’s knee with a barely-there touch. Alex felt his breath catch in his throat, eyes widening slightly as he looked at the stranger’s smirking face.

The barmaid brought back his drink, setting it down in front of him. The stranger turned towards her, giving her a crooked smile and leaning onto the counter.

“Bring a Pornstar over for my friend here, please,” he said sweetly, looking at her from beneath his lashes.

“Of course,” she said, smiling in a flirty way while the stranger sent her a wink.

“I-I don’t know what that is,” Alex answered, and the stranger turned his attention back on him.

“It’s yummy. Hopefully it’ll help you loosen up a bit,” he said, giving Alex a smile that made him want to melt into the bar stool.

“What’s in it?” he asked, watching how the dark eyes seemed to sparkle as the lights of the club flashed with the music.

“It’s a surprise,” the stranger answered. “You’ll just have to trust me.”

“You never even told me your name,” Alex said, shaking his head as he found his voice. “Why should I trust you?”

The stranger smiled, chuckling slightly. “Don’t worry, sweetface, I’ll take good care of you. And, in my defense, you haven’t told me your name either.”

“It’s A-” he started, but the stranger held his hand up.

“Don’t tell me!” he insisted, and Alex raised an eyebrow. “The mystery keeps you intrigued, right? It drives you to keep going, to find out more. I don’t want to find out just yet.”

“So you won’t tell me your name, either?” Alex asked and the stranger shook his head.

“Not yet,” he responded and Alex furrowed his brow.

“So what am I supposed to call you?”

“Well, I know your name starts with A; mine starts with J,” he answered.

“Okay, J,” Alex answered and the stranger smiled, watching the barmaid bring the shot over to them.

J pushed the shot in front of him, wrapping his fingers around his own drink.

“Salute!” he said, holding his shot up before tipping it back. Alex picked his own up, throwing it back.

“Mmm,” he hummed, setting the shot glass down on the counter.

“I told you it was yummy,” J said, smiling cheekily. “Do you trust me now?”

“I don’t know,” Alex answered and J shrugged.

“The night is young,” he answered, catching the barmaid’s attention. “Amaretto sour,” he turned towards Alex, “what would you like?”

“I-I don’t care,” Alex answered, shrugging. “I don’t need anything.”

“Screwdriver,” J told the barmaid, who nodded.

“What if I don’t like Screwdrivers?” Alex questioned, and Jack raised a thick eyebrow.

“That’s too bad, I guess. Maybe you should have answered me when I asked you what I wanted,” J said and Alex couldn’t help but smile.

“Good point,” Alex answered, watching the barmaid prepare their drinks before handing them to them. J clinked their drinks together before beginning to sip his.

“So, A,” he started, toying with the orange slice, “what do you do with your life?”

“I go to Medical school,” Alex answered and Jack’s eyes lit up.

“Ooh,” he said, smirking, “a doctor. My mom would be so proud if I brought home a doctor.”

“Well that’s a couple years from now,” Alex said, and J shrugged.

“I can wait. Gives us more time to get to know each other,” he said, winking at Alex and causing him to look away before the blood rushed to his cheeks. “I go to school myself.”

“For what?”

“That I have not decided,” he grinned, taking a drink. “I want to work with kids, though. I love kids.”

They continued to talk as they sipped their drinks, growing increasingly comfortable with each other.

“Do you want to dance?” J asked, turning his head towards the floor.

“I usually have to be a lot drunker than this to brave the dancefloor,” Alex answered and J raised an eyebrow.

“Why? You don’t like to dance?” he asked and Alex shook his head.

“I like to dance, I just can’t dance,” he said and J shook his own head.

“Everyone can dance, come on,” he said, standing up and reaching for Alex’s hand.

“No,” Alex said, pulling it out of his reach. “I’ll watch you.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” J questioned.

“It’ll be fun for me,” Alex insisted, nodding at him.

“Whatever,” J said, standing up. “This isn’t just a ploy to ditch me, is it?”

“No,” Alex said, smiling at him. J moved closer to him, parting Alex’s legs and stepping between them.

“Promise?” he asked and Alex nodded, feeling J’s breath fan over his face. “I trust you.”

He leaned forward, bumping his slightly oversized nose against Alex’s before touching their lips gently. He pulled away, swaying his hips as he moved out to the dancefloor.

Alex turned around on his bar stool, leaning back and watching J’s hips move in his skin tight jeans. He let his foot bounce with the beat, watching as J found a smaller girl to dance with.

I see you over there, so hypnotic

Thinking 'bout what I do to that body

I get you like ooh baby baby

Ooh baby baby, ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby baby

Got no drink in my hand

But I'm wasted

Getting drunk of the thought of you naked

I get you like ooh baby baby

Ooh baby baby, ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby baby

J kept his eyes on Alex as he danced, and Alex could feel himself growing a little hot under the collar.

And I ain't trying to fight it, to fight it

But you're so magnetic, magnetic

Got one life, just live it, just live it

Now relax, and get on your back

If you wanna scream, yeah

Let me know and I'll take you there

Get you going like ah-ooh

Baby baby ooh baby baby

Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby

If you want it done right

Hope you're ready to go all night

Get you going like ah-ooh

Baby baby ooh baby baby

Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby

If you wanna scream

Alex tossed back his drink, standing up and walking towards the boy he had met only a little over an hour ago.

He grabbed J, pulling him away from the girl and pressing their bodies together. He could see J smirking at him as he looked up at the stranger through his lashes.

Kill the lights, shut 'em off

You're electric

Devil eyes telling me come and get it

I have you like ooh

Baby baby ooh baby baby

Ah-ooh baby baby ooh baby baby

Girl tonight you're the prey

I'm the hunter

Take you here, take you there

Take you wonder

Imagine me whispering in your ear

Then I wanna, take off your clothes and put something on ya

“Let’s go,” J whispered in his ear and Alex nodded, allowing the stranger to lead him out of the club. “Did you drive here?”

“N-no,” Alex answered, feeling chills run down his spine as J’s hot breath ran over his skin.

“Good,” he answered, pulling him towards a black BMW. Alex moved into the car, watching J walk around the other side and get in. He started the car, and Alex felt it purr to life. J pulled out of the parking lot, driving quickly towards what Alex assumed would be his house.

Once there they got out, walking up to the door. J unlocked the door, allowing Alex to move inside. He followed behind him, closing the door and feeling Alex immediately begin tugging on him.

“Hey,” J said, cupping Alex’s face and kissing him gently. “Slow down.”

J pressed him again the wall, threading his fingers with Alex’s and holding his hands above his head. He leaned forward, kissing him slow and passionately.

“Upstairs?” Alex asked as J pulled him, chuckling at him.

“Yes,” J answered, releasing one of his hands and keeping his fingers threaded with the other. He led him up a staircase and down a hall, going into the last room.

J flipped on the light and Alex turned around, placing his hand at the back of his neck before kissing him again, a little rougher and harder this time. Alex let out a soft hum, feeling J walk him backwards until the back of his knees hit the bed and he fell back onto it.

“J,” Alex sighed as the stranger pushed his shirt up, moving his lips over his bare chest.

“Jack,” the stranger mumbled against the skin and hair of the boy’s chest.

“J-Jack,” Alex gasped, feeling the other flick his tongue out against his nipple. “Oh.

Jack chuckled, lifting Alex’s shirt and peeling it away from his body. He grabbed the hem of his own v-neck,pulling it off of his own torso and tossing it across the room. He pressed their bare chests together as he returned to kissing Alex, running his fingers just under the waistband of Alex’s jeans. He opened them, pulling them down past the boy’s knees and watching them kick them off.

“What’s your name?” Jack questioned, breath fanning over Alex’s hardening dick and causing him to whine.

“Alex,” he answered and Jack smiled, wrapping his hand around the erection.

“Alex,” he groaned, squeezing and pumping the boy, causing him to gasp and moan, arching his back.

“Fuck,” Alex breathed out, eyes slipping shut as pleasure shot through him.

Jack kissed the head of his penis before pulling his hand away, earning a groan of disapproval from Alex.

“Relax,” Jack said, chuckling as he stood up. He unbuttoned his skinny jeans, kicking them off and grabbing a condom and a bottle of lube from his dresser drawer. He walked back over to the bed, sitting down on the edge of it and watching Alex spread his legs. “You look so sexy right now.”

Alex was about to reply, tell him how he had looked gorgeous all night, but then he heard the lid of the lube pop, and soon Jack was pressing a finger into his entrance.

Jack leaned forward, pressing kisses to Alex’s thigh as he moved his finger past the tight ring of muscles. He left blossoms of pink and purple as he pressed his second finger in, twisting and scissoring them.

“Jack,” Alex sighed, arching his back slightly. It was uncomfortable, and he cringed in pain as Jack pushed the third finger in. “Fuck.”

“Shh,” Jack soothed, kissing the inside of his knee. He moved his fingers around slightly, searching for the spot that would have Alex writhing in pleasure.

“O-oh!” Alex gasped, back arching and head shooting backwards as his mouth opened in a perfect O shape. “Fuck, Jack!”

Jack smirked, wanting to hear Alex say his name like that again. He pressed against that spot once more, seeing Alex’s toes curl and hearing him whimper.

“J-Jack,” Alex whined, pushing against his fingers. “I’m ready. F-fuck me.”

Jack pulled his fingers out, wiping them on the sheets as he grabbed the condom, ripping it open. He rolled it over himself, coating his erection with lube before lining himself up with Alex’s entrance.

“You ready?” he asked and Alex nodded.

“Yes,” he answered, and Jack gripped his hips slightly, pressing into Alex slowly.

“Fuck,” Jack mumbled once he was all the way in. Alex was visibly cringing and Jack frowned, kissing him.

“Move,” Alex mumbled, burying his face into Jack’s shoulder. “Just move.”

Jack held his hips again, pulling out before pushing back in. Alex bit his lip, trying not to let out any noise of discomfort. Jack switched his angle, pressing in again. He kissed Alex’s forehead, moving his hips as he once again searched for Alex’s prostate.

It took a couple more thrusts, but soon Alex had his nails digging into Jack’s back, toes curling as he moaned into his ear.

“O-oh god, Jack!” he whined, nails scraping against his spine as Jack pressed against his spot once again. “Sh-shit!”

Jack grunted, nibbling at Alex’s exposed pulse point. Alex whined, bucking his hips up to meet Jack’s.

“F-fuck, Jack. So good. So fucking good,” he whined, gasping into his ear. One of his hands reached above his head, wrapping around the headboard and gripping onto it tightly.

“Mm, Alex,” Jack grunted, reaching his hand between them and grabbing Alex’s leaking erection. He jerked him off along with his thrusts, hearing Alex choke out a cry.

“Fuck, yes,” he moaned, arching his back into Jack, “yes, yes, yes.”

“I’m close, Alex,” Jack mumbled into his ear and Alex nodded violently.

“Me to-too!” he gasped, feeling the fire in his stomach burning stronger and stronger. “O-oh oh! Jack!”

His muscles clamped around Jack before he let go, cumming between their chests and stomachs. Jack followed right after him, gripping his hips so hard it was sure to leave bruises.

“Alex,” he moaned, dropping his face into Alex’s shoulder as he collapsed on top of him in a sweaty mess. “Fuck.”

Alex moved his sweaty hair out of his eyes, kissing him gently and chuckling.

“That was amazing,” Alex told him and Jack smirked, kissing him again.

“It was,” Jack answered. “Thanks, sweetface.”

He pulled out of Alex, taking the condom off and throwing it away. He grabbed some tissues, cleaning them off as best as he could.

“Jack?” Alex said, sitting up and watching Jack throw the tissue away.

“Yeah?” he asked, turning back towards him.

“C-can we cuddle?” Alex asked and Jack smiled.

“I sure hope so,” Jack answered, kissing his nose and making Alex chuckle.

Alex laid down with him, seeing Jack had closed his eyes after he wrapped his arms around Alex.

“One night stand?” Alex asked, hoping it wasn’t.

“Nope,” Jack mumbled, opening an eye and looking at him. “I like you. You’re stuck with me now.”

Alex smiled, laying his head down on Jack’s chest and closing his eyes.

Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing Rian hadn’t shown up at the club after all.

♠ ♠ ♠Song credit: Scream by Usher

I was driving home from getting dinner earlier, and this song came on, so I got the idea for this fic. It wasn't exactly what I planned, but I like it :)
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