Baby, It's Cold Outside (One-shot)

Dec 25, 2011 20:38

Title: Baby, It's Cold Outside
Beta: Lauren, who doesn't have a Livejournal account.
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Third
Summary: "Look at the storm, Jack. You can't go out there," Alex told him. "I've never seen it snow this bad before."
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen. Based off of Baby, It's Cold Outside by Betty Garrett and Red Skelton.

"You want to come inside?" Alex asked, tugging Jack's hand as he walked towards his house. The snow fell quickly around them, collecting on the ground. "At least until the snow slows down a little?"

"Sure," Jack answered. "But just for a little bit. It's getting late."

The boys walked up the driveway, and Alex slipped his hand out of Jack's, sneakily wrapping his arm around Jack's waist. Jack smiled, a light blush covering his cheeks at the contact. The young couple had just returned from a date, celebrating their anniversary. The two seventeen-year-olds had been dating for two months now, though they had been "talking" for three months prior, and were best friends for three years.

Alex unlocked the door, pushing it open and allowing his boyfriend to enter the warmth of the house. Jack shivered slightly, slipping his shoes off and moving towards the living room. Alex shut the door, listening to it click as he locked it again. He took off his jacket, draping it on one of the coat hangers.

"I did leave my hoodie here," Jack mumbled, picking the black material off of the arm chair as he allowed his body to fall back onto the couch.

"I'm glad you found it," Alex told him, turning the thermostat higher. "Are you thirsty?"

"Yeah," Jack told him, putting his feet up and laying across the couch.

The older returned minutes later with two mugs of eggnog, spiked with rum. He handed a cup to Jack, and he sipped it. Alex pushed on his shoulder gently, and Jack leaned forward, allowing Alex to settle behind him. Jack sipped the drink again, looking up at the clock as Alex flipped on the television. He sighed, swishing the liquid around in the cup.

Alex shivered slightly, picking up the remote to turn on the electric fireplace in the corner. It roared to life, slowly heating up the living room.

"I'm gonna have to get going soon," Jack said, looking out the window to see the snow still falling heavily from the sky. "It's getting late."

"No, baby, you can't leave yet. It's cold outside," Alex told him, wrapping his arms tightly around Jack's slim waist.

"Obviously," Jack teased. "It's the middle of December."

"Just stay a little longer. We're having such a good time," Alex told him, and Jack smiled, turning his head and kissing his cheek gently.

"Tonight was amazing," Jack agreed. "But every night's amazing with you."

"That's why you should stay," Alex mumbled into his hair. Jack settled the drink onto his lap, and Alex reached his hands out to grab onto the younger boy's. He rubbed them gently, feeling how cold his skin was. "See, your hands are cold as ice. You can't go out there."

Jack looked at the clock again, closing his eyes and laying his head back on Alex's chest.

"My mom's going to worry," Jack told him, moving to sit up.

"No she won't," Alex answered, trying to pull him back down to lay with him. "She knows your with me."

"I'm sure that'll make her worry for a whole 'nother reason," Jack said playfully, wiggling out of Alex's grasp.

"No, baby, come on," Alex whined. "Look! The fireplace is on! It's so romantic!"

Jack laughed at his boyfriend's attempts, feeling Alex grab a hold of his waist again.

"Baby," he whined, trying to pry Alex's hands off his hips. "I gotta go home."

"No you don't," Alex answered. "Come on, I'll get you some more to drink."

"Okay," Jack sighed, feeling Alex release him as he stood up to move back into the kitchen. "But just a half a drink!"

"Alright!" Alex chirped, flipping the light on and setting the mugs down on the counter. He took the drink back to Jack, handing it to him. Jack took a sip, making a face.

"What'd you put in here?" Jack asked as Alex sat down next to him.

"Rum," Alex answered, snuggling into Jack's side. He kissed his neck gently, rubbing his thigh. Alex turned to look out the window, shaking his head. "You can't walk home in this, babe. I won't let you."

"I have to get home some how," Jack responded, and Alex shook his head, snuggling the younger. Jack felt his heartbeat quicken, smiling as Alex kissed his neck and ran his fingers over the exposed skin of his side. "Baby, you know I can't stay."

"You have to," Alex answered, pulling his boyfriend closer. "Come on. We can watch a movie."

"Alex," Jack whined.

"Look at the storm, Jack. You can't go out there," Alex told him. "I've never seen it snow this bad before."

"I know, but I have to get home."

"No, you'll freeze out there," Alex said, pulling him closer.

"Then let me borrow your coat and a hat," Jack insisted, trying to move away.

"The snow's at least a few feet high, Jack. It'll be up to your knees!" Alex said.

"I'll be okay," the younger told him, wrapping his hoodie around his body. Alex stood up, following him.

"Your toes will freeze off," Alex insisted, looking down at Jack's tattered Converse shoes.

"May wants to know where I am," Jack said, checking his phone.

"Tell her I'm keeping you warm and safe in my arms," Alex said, hugging him from behind. Jack rolled his eyes. "C'mon, Jack. You'll catch your death."

"Don't be so dramatic," Jack rolled his eyes.

"I'll never forgive myself if you get pneumonia and die," Alex told him, and Jack snorted. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from his pocket, and he took his phone out of it. He opened it up, putting it to his ear.

Alex listened in closely, hearing Jack's mom's voice talking on the other end.

"Okay, mom. I know, I know. It'll be fine," Jack insisted, and Alex raised an eyebrow. "I love you too. See you tomorrow."

Jack shut his phone, ending the call and slipping his shoes back off.

"You win," he mumbled, leaning into Alex. "My mom doesn't want me going out in the storm either. She told me to just stay the night."

Alex's grin grew, stretching from ear to ear.

"She also said that you have to behave yourself," Jack told him, chuckling.

"What mama don't know won't hurt her," Alex drawled, moving his hand down Jack's chest and making the younger giggle. "God, your lips look delicious."

Jack shook his head at the boy, watching as his face grew increasingly closer to his own. He allowed their lips to touch for just a few seconds before he pulled away. He walked back into the living room, draping himself over the couch once again.

"I believe you said something about a movie, sweet Alexander?" Jack questioned, picking up his drink and batting his eyelashes. Alex groaned, throwing his head back as he leaned against the wall.

"Babe," he whined, walking over to the couch.

"What?" Jack asked, watching as Alex sat down at his feet. "I wanna watch a movie."

"You do not," Alex argued, running his hand up Jack's shin and laying it on his knee.

"Yes I do," Jack answered, mentally cracking up at the pout on Alex's face.

"We're in my house, the night before Christmas Eve, all alone for the first time in forever, and you wanna watch a stupid movie?" Alex questioned, and Jack smiled slyly.

"Santa's watching, Alex," Jack mused, and Alex scrunched up his nose.

"Fuck Santa," Alex pouted.

"I'd prefer not to," Jack responded. "He's really not my type. Plus I think that'd get me on the naughty list for sure."

"You're on my naughty list right now," Alex told him, glaring.

"So are you," Jack answered, winking at his boyfriend. "Now what movie do you want to watch."

He reached for the remote, but Alex pounced on his hand with the quickness of a cobra.

"No way," Alex said, shaking his head and moving up Jack's body. He pinned Jack's hand next to his head, straddling his waist.

"This isn't watching a movie, Alex," Jack responded, and Alex smirked.

"Baby, we could make a movie," Alex countered, grinding his hips down against Jack's teasingly.

Jack tried to breathe normally, but he couldn't help the way his breath hitched in his throat at the stimulation. Alex smirked, leaning down and taking Jack's bottom lip in between his teeth. He rocked his hips down again, hearing a small noise escape from Jack's throat.

"I knew you'd see it my way," Alex smirked, biting lightly on his jaw as he moved his mouth down. He continued grinding against Jack, hips lifting up just slightly in order to rock back down. Jack sighed breathily, sneaking his free hand around to grip onto Alex's ass, pulling it closer and harder to him as Alex rocked down. Alex mewled, tongue running flat over the brunette's pulse point before he nipped it. Jack moaned, ticking his hips up to meet Alex's as they consistently fell onto his like crashing waves.

"S-shit, Lex," Jack whined. "You win."

"Mmm," Alex hummed, taking his mouth away from Jack's neck Adam's apple for just a second. "I love how you keep saying that."

"I'm definitely gonna keep something up if you don't take care of it soon," Jack grumbled, squirming underneath Alex. "Y'mind?"

Alex gave him that damn crooked smirk again, letting go of Jack's wrist and shimmying down his body. He pushed Jack's shirt up slightly, kissing his way up to his belly button. He bit right underneath it, sucking on the spot and making Jack's back arch.

"F-fuck you, Alex. Quit teasing," Jack whined, grinding his hips up against Alex's chest to get some relief.

"I hope you realize I have no tits to fuck," Alex said, giggling as he pushed Jack's hips back down against the couch.

"You have a mouth to fuck. So you better get a move on before I shove you down and do just that," Jack threatened, but Alex knew they were empty words.

Alex pushed his shirt up more, continuing his way back up his chest. Jack took the fabric from his hands, peeling it off and tossing it over the coffee table.

"Nice," Alex mumbled, attacking his left collar bone and making Jack gasp and arch his back towards the elder.

"Jesus," Jack mumbled, bring his hands to Alex's shoulders. He dug his short nails into them, leaving barely-there crescent shapes in the milky skin.

"No. Alex," Alex smirked, ducking his head and moving quickly down to the top of his jeans.

"Shut up," the younger responded, winding his fingers in Alex's wild dark hair. Alex nuzzled his nose into the denim of his crotch, bringing his hands up to pop the button. He pulled the zipper down, tugging on the tight, constricting denim to get it down the other boy's thighs. Jack wiggled his hips eagerly in attempt to help his boyfriend. Once the jeans were past his hips, Alex pulled them off easily, shoving them down to the end of the couch. Jack's hand was quick to tug on his hair, guiding him down to his destination.

"You're so impatient," Alex told him before opening his mouth and taking Jack as deep as he could.

Jack gasped, eyes opening wide as electricity shot up his spine. He didn't care how many blow jobs Alex gave him, he was never, ever, going to get used to Alex's non-existent gag reflex.

"Oh my god," Jack whined, toes curling. "You're such a cock slut."

Alex made a satisfied noise, sucking on his dick as he hollowed his cheeks. He bobbed his head up and down, swirling his tongue around the sensitive tissue. Jack grunted, pulling on his hair just enough to get the older boy moaning around him. He felt shocks shoot up his spine, tingles running through all the connected nerves.

"Mmm, baby, fuck," Jack moaned, running his nails over his scalp soothingly before tugging again. Alex groaned, rubbing his still fully clothed erection against the couch underneath him to release some of the tension in his lower half. "Alex."

He sucked a few more times before he pulled his mouth away. Jack released his hair from his grip, panting and whining at the cool air that hit his wet penis.

"I'm gonna fucking explode if I don't get inside you," Alex said, voice rough from the misuse of his throat. The words ran through Jack's blood, hitting straight to his dick. He pulled Alex close to him, smashing their lips together as he bunched up the material off his shirt. They broke away so Alex could take it off, tossing it in a random direction. Jack's hands moved down in between them to Alex's jeans. He undid the button, feeling Alex's teeth attach to his bottom lip once again as he unzipped the jeans. Alex shoved them down to his knees, sitting back and kicking them off onto the floor.

"We need lube," Jack answered, and Alex fidgeted around with one of the couch cushions. He pulled out a small bottle of lube. "Why do you keep lube in your couch, Lex?"

"I get bored," Alex answered simply, shrugging.

"Your mom doesn't find that when she's cleaning?" Jack asked, watching the boy uncap the bottle. He poured some in his hand, spreading it over his fingers.

"She hasn't yet," he answered, gesturing for Jack to lay back.

"What are you gonna say when she finds it?"

"I don't know. I'll figure that out when it happens," Alex said, pushing Jack's knees apart. "Can we stop talking about my mom now? It's a little weird for me, considering the fact that I'm about to stick my fingers in your ass."

"Y-yeah," Jack mumbled, laying his head back on the arm of the couch. He closed his eyes, waiting. He felt Alex's lips mold over his hip bone, and then the uncomfortable stretch of the first finger. He made a face, trying to relax his muscles to allow Alex's finger to move easier.

"You good?" Alex asked, placing kisses along the 'v' of his hips. Jack nodded, feeling his cock begin to pulse.

"Mm, yeah, babe. Just hurry up," Jack mumbled, lifting his hips to emphasize his words.

"I guess you're ready for two fingers then," Alex mumbled, pulling his first finger almost all the way out before pushing another in with it. Jack bit his lip, closing his eyes as he tried to hide his cringe from Alex. "I'm sorry, baby."

"You're good," Jack muttered. "Keep going."

Alex moved his hand around, trying to change the angle of it. He scissored his fingers, trying to stretch Jack as well as he could.

Another finger later, Jack was squirming under his touch, panting as the tips of Alex's fingers gently swiped against his prostate.

"Fu-fuck, Alex," Jack groaned, arching his back and fucking himself on Alex's fingers. "Shit, baby, fuck me."

"Hmm," Alex hummed, losing himself as he watched Jack move against his hand. He felt his cock grow achingly hard, dripping with precum as he watched the way Jack bucked his hips on his fingers, making them slip inside the boy and then right back out. His mouth was ajar slightly, feeling the hot hot heat that enveloped his fingers, waiting to feel it around his dick.

"Fuck me, Alex," Jack whined. "I need you."

"Yeah?" Alex mumbled, moving his fingers out and driving them deep, stroking Jack's prostate.

"Ah-ahh!" Jack whined, back arching. "Please, Lex. I need you so bad. I need to feel you."

Alex groaned, pulling his fingers out. He grabbed the lube off the coffee table, opening it again and pouring more out to spread it over his dick. He pumped it a few times, spreading the lube and allowing himself to build up to full potential. He settled himself in between Jack's legs, grabbing a hold of his hips and pulling them close as he slid inside of the younger boy.

"Fuck," Jack groaned, hands reaching up to grab a hold of the pillow. He squeezed the material as Alex filled him, gripping it harder as the other boy pulled out and pushed back in.

"God, baby," Alex groaned, resting his head on Jack's chest for a moment. "You're so fucking good."

Jack panted, feeling Alex switching his angle to try and relocate his prostate. He looked into the boy's face, the way his bangs clung to his forehead in a sweaty mess. His lips were red and kiss swollen, brown irises almost completely taken over by his pupils. He snapped his hips forward, and Jack lost all focus on the boy's beautiful face. He moaned out loud, back arching into Alex as the noise ripped from his chest. His eyes rolled back into his head as Alex hit the spot again, the elder's hands quickly finding their way to Jack's hips to help fuck him into the cushions of the couch.

His thrusts were hard, fast, and accurate; better than any other guy Jack had ever been with. He had decided the first time they had sex that Alex was by far the best fuck he'd ever had, and each time after that just proved his point further.

Alex's teeth attached to his pulse, sucking on it as he pounded into him. Jack's toes curled, eyes rolled back as he moaned shamelessly. When it came to Alex, he didn't care if he sounded like a whore. At least his boyfriend would know how much he enjoyed it.

"Fuck, Jack," Alex grunted against his neck, snapping his hips forward. Jack could feel his hips begin to stutter, and his own legs began to quake.

"Uhn, Lex," Jack moaned, digging his nails into Alex's back. "I-I'm gonna cum, babe."

Alex grabbed a hold of his leaking dick, smearing precum over it and pumping in time with his thrusts. Jack's back arched even more, and he moaned.

"Mmm, yeah, baby? You like that?" Alex muttered into his ear, panting dirty and hot. "You gonna cum for me?"

Jack nodded vigorously and Alex grinned, biting along his jaw bone as he fisted the younger's cock.

"Let me have it, Jack," Alex mumbled, licking the shell of his ear. "Give it to me. Give me that cum all over us."

Jack whined, bucking his hips. The fast pace of Alex's hand was driving him crazy, and before he could help it he was releasing into Alex's hand. The sticky white spread in between them, smearing as Alex continued to thrust.

"Ah-Ah-Alex!" he cried out as he orgasmed, gripping onto the boy's shoulders tightly. Alex grunted, burying himself deep inside of Jack as he came. He thrusted a few more times, moaning Jack's name into his ear.

Jack panted, clinging onto Alex as he came down from the high of his orgasm. Alex kissed all over his chest, licking the salty sweat away from his lips as he cuddled into Jack.

"Oh my fuck," Jack breathed, gulping down breaths of air. "You're so fucking amazing."

"Mmm, so are you," Alex said, kissing his lips lovingly.

"Your dick is like magic," Jack mumbled to him, making Alex laugh.

"And you wanted to watch a movie," Alex teased.

"No I didn't," Jack said, making a face at the sticky mess on his chest. "It's just so fun to see you all needy."

"I could say the same about you," Alex said, giggling and kissing Jack.

"Can we go upstairs and lay in your bed and watch a movie now?" Jack asked, batting his eyelashes at Alex.

"Yes," Alex answered, giggling at his boyfriend's cuteness. "But you have to wash up first."

"Of course," Jack answered.

Alex sat up, collecting his clothes as he stood. Jack followed, doing the same as Alex had and following him up the stairs to his room.

Twenty minutes later, both boys were clean and cuddled up cozily in Alex's bed. Jack looked out the window, seeing that snow was still falling heavily from the sky.

"It's still snowing like crazy," he informed Alex, who glanced out of the window.

"That just makes being here with you that much better," Alex answered, and Jack smiled. "It could snow like hell forever if I can hold you in my arms the whole time."

"Let it snow," Jack whispered, and Alex smiled, leaning forward and brushing his nose against Jack's in an Eskimo kiss.

"As long as you love me so, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow."
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