More Than The World (Nine)

Dec 23, 2011 01:34

Title: More Than The World
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
P.O.V.: Alex
Summary: The 'freshman fifteen' is the last thing on Alex's mind. He has to learn how to balance the stress of being a freshman in college, the father of a newborn, the perfect boyfriend, and having a crazy girl in love with him.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.
Warning: Mentions of mpreg.
A/N: Let me remind you this is FICTION. Thanks.

"How are you feeling, baby?" I asked Jack, sitting down on the bed. I earned a groan in return, and I frowned. "Not any better, I'm guessing?"

"I feel so nauseous, it's like I'm pregnant again," he whined, and I sat on the bed, stroking his hair.

"I hope not. We haven't even had sex in like a month," I joked, and he groaned.

"Now my penis is just as upset as my stomach," he whined, making me laugh. I laid down with him, trying to pull him to my chest. "Don't get too close. I don't want you to get sick."

"You've been puking for two days. If I was gonna get sick, I would be sick already," I told him, moving his bangs out of his face.

"You better not get sick. Someone needs to take care of Josie," he said, groaning.

"She's fine," I told him. "Auntie May's playing with her right now."

"I feel bad," he told me. "I haven't been able to help with her. I haven't even been able to hold her."

"It's alright," I told him, petting his hair. "She's being taken care of. So are you. We need you to feel better and Josie not to get sick."

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, closing his eyes. "You've been doing so much."

"It's my job," I answered, kissing his forehead.

"You're good at it," he said, making me laugh.

"I hope so," I answered. "I wonder if I'm doing it right sometimes."

"I wonder that everyday," he said. "I'm always scared I'm doing something wrong. I panic when she's crying sometimes because I don't know how to help her and she just won't stop."

"That's how I felt the other night."

"I just want to be the best parents I can be."

"You're an amazing parent, babe," I told him. "Josie loves you."

"I hope so."


"Babe," I said, peering my head in the room. "I'm gonna run to the store. You want me to get you some soup or something to eat?"

"Yeah. I can try it," he answered.

"Alright. I'll be back in a little bit. I love you," I told him.

"I love you too," he said.

I walked out to the living room, picking Josie up out of her swing.

"We're gonna go for a ride, baby girl," I cooed, grabbing her jacket. I sat down on the couch, balancing her in my lap as I carefully put her arm through the sleeve. She made a face, nose scrunching as she began to fuss. "Shh, Josie."

She let out a quiet cry as I zipped up her jacket, holding her closer to my chest and kissing her face.

"You're so spoiled," I told her, pulling her seat over. I put her down in her carrier and she stared up at me. "Don't look so grumpy, Josie. I don't care how cute you are, you're going in your car seat."

She let out a loud noise and I laughed, moving her arms into the straps and buckling her in.

"Don't talk back, either. You don't even speak English yet."

I picked up her blanket, laying it over her and tucking it in at her sides.

"You need a hat, princess," I said, glancing around. I stood up, walking over to the coat closet. I opened the door, grabbing my jacket and reaching up for one of her hats. I shut the door, walking back over to her. I sat down, sliding the pink hat onto her head and down over her ears. "Okay, ready."

I pulled my jacket on, lifting Josie's carrier up. I grabbed my keys, walking out of the door and unlocking my car. After Josie was safe and secure in the backseat, I climbed behind the wheel and started the car.


"I don't know what kind of soup Deedee wants, Josie," I said, pushing the cart down the aisle. She looked up towards the direction my voice was coming from, staring. Her eyes still couldn't focus on anything that far away. I smiled, stroking my hand over her cheek. Her eyes were slowly getting darker, and there was now a brown tint to them.

I looked back at the shelf, which was really just a wall of soup cans. I scanned the names, trying to find one that wouldn't be too much for Jack's stomach to handle. I sighed, leaning against the cart. Whatever happened to just plain chicken noodle soup?

It took a bit more searching, but I eventually found a couple cans. I put them in the metal basket of the cart, pushing the cart farther down the aisle.

"You need diapers and more milk," I mumbled to the baby, turning and walking towards the other end of the store. I found the aisle I was looking for, grabbing a thing of diapers and a container of wipes. I grabbed a couple cans of formula, setting all of the items in the cart. I walked out, seeing all the baby clothes lined up on racks. I moved through slowly, just glancing and looking around. There was a big rack in the middle with a sign reading "Halloween Costumes" on it. "Jo-Jo, what you gonna be for Halloween?"

I halted the cart, sifting through the costumes.

There was a lot of pumpkins. I quickly pushed those ones away. Everyone dresses their babies up as pumpkins for Halloween. It was too generic to me.

"You wanna be a black cat, baby face?" I asked, looking it over. It was a cute little costume, but I decided to keep looking. "Or a spider?"

I pushed through more, eyes lighting up.

"Aww!" I cooed. "I don't care anymore. You're gonna be a black bear cub!"

I grabbed the costume, laying it next to her car seat. It was covered in soft black fut, with little paws where the hands and feet went. There was a hood that pulled up which had black ears on top of it.

"Deedee's gonna love it," I told Josie, putting the costume in the cart and kissing her face gently.

I made my way to the register, picking the one that had the least amount of people at it.

"I got you and Deedee both stuff, and nothing for myself," I told Josie, and she made a noise. "So I think I'll get a candy bar."

I picked up a package of Reese's Cups and set them onto the belt. I emptied out the cart, putting it all on and listening to the beeping as the cashier rang everything up.

I pushed the cart forward a few steps, looking up at the cashier. I almost jumped, seeing my ex-girlfriend standing in front of me.

She glanced up at me blankly, as if she didn't know who I was. I was glad there was no awkward conversation started.

I looked Brynn over as she finished ringing up my stuff. She had cut off a lot of her long blonde hair, as well as dyed it a light brown. She looked like she had lost some weight also.

She told me how much I owed, and I handed her over the money.

"Have a nice day, Alex," she answered, making me want to cringe.

"You too," I answered, putting the bags back in the cart and leaving the check-out line. "That lady's crazy, Josie. Never talk to her."

She stared up at me, and I looked down.

"No pun intended," I answered.


"Hey, sicko," I said, walking into the kitchen and finding Jack looking through the cupboards. I set Josie down on the table, along with the bags. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

"I woke up and couldn't sleep anymore. I feel fine now," he told me.

"Good," I said, giving him a kiss. "I bought you soup."

"Yes," he said. "I'm starving."

"I bet," I answered, taking the can out and handing it to him. He took out a bowl, emptying the can's contents into it and putting it in the microwave. he turned around, looking at Josie before turning to the sink to wash his hands. He dried them off with the dish towel. He walked over to her carrier, smiling as he unbuckled it.

"Hi, baby," he said, picking Josie up carefully. "Oh I miss you!"

He put his hand behind her head to support her neck as he brought her to his chest. He kissed her forehead, snuggling her to him. I smiled, hearing her coo softly.

"I got Josie's Halloween costume too," I told Jack, and he looked at me.

"Is it a princess dress?" he asked, and I laughed.

"No," I answered, digging in the bag. I found the hanger, pulling the costume out and showing it to him.

"Aww!" he said, grinning. "You're gonna be a fuzzy little bear cub!"

"I thought it was adorable," I told him.

"It is," he said, kissing Josie's forehead again.

The timer on the microwave went off, and he moved to hand Josie over to me. I heard a fart, and then a foul smell filled my nose.

"Ew, Jack," I mumbled, making a face as I took Josie into my arms.

"That wasn't even me!" he said, and I looked down at our daughter.

"Jesus, kid," I said, adjusting her.

"I think you need to go change her after that one," Jack said, laughing.

"You are so lucky you're eating, or you would totally be taking this one," I told him, walking towards our room.

"Make sure she's done," Jack said. "She did that to me last week. There was poop everywhere."

"You a nasty girl," I told Josie, kissing her head. She grunted, and I scrunched my nose as the odor became stronger. "Okay. Let's just get you changed as quickly as possible."
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