(no subject)

Oct 31, 2003 19:37

Well, well, well...
Happy Halloween everyone!

I'm passing out candy this year to all of the little trick or treaters, they are so cute! On a different note, when the hell did manners become nonexistent? These little shits dont even say 'thank you', or 'trick or treat' anymore. Kids these days...haha j/k.

Is it just me or does halloween seem to be not as fun anymore? Given, I am older now but it just seems so different. Like, when I was a kid I swear it seemed like we were out running around until like 10:30-11:00pm, now lights go out at like a little after 8pm. Whats up with these wangs?

I really wanted to go out as Dre but I didn't have bigboi here. Plus, my mom said that I'd probably get my ass kicked if I went out as a brown person. I don't see the big deal, brown people go out as ghosts and put white on there face, whats the difference?

I came home from work early today. I wasn't feelin too hot. I've been feeling really out of it lately. But all in all, everythings fine. I'm debating if I should move on and get a job at the Ritz Carlton, with Jonelle. You make between 25-30 dollars an hour, doing banquets. Its really long hours and its kinda demanding but its great money. The only thing is its not very stable. One week you could work like everday then the next maybe only like one day. Then, if I do that I can start going to school full time. I'm not sure though, I kinda feel like a loser right now. I mean, I'm only going to school part time and I hate my job. It would be one thing if I really liked my job and I had somewhere to go, but thats not the case...ya know? I guess its just kinda a turning point in my life, I want to go somewhere. I think I want to change my major again, from sign language to social work, again.

Well, I'm gonna get ready to go out. Everyone have fun and be safe tonight! Wicky wicky wicky!
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