LOL @ the mistake in the banner, is THING not YHING LOL @ me!
OKay, so, the thing is that I have NO IDEA what to say about text, or the use of text or whatever it is that pulls me to write onto icons; so I'm gonna do something really MEH, and put examples and fonts and rants about things.
I have a file that I update everytime I find a useful font, I've decided to share it with you all so you've a vague idea of what I used the most on my icons/bigger pieces. Obviously these are NOT all the font I own, but just the one I know that can works on icons and bigger graphics, for what is my ~style (yeah, meh).
You should click on this because it's HUGE.
I've wrote some random idiocy (with my AWFUL-why-do-you-keep-writing-English and the font name is always on the bottom line)
Okay, please ignore whatever mistake you might find and move on. Most of these, are $$$ but I might share them with you, if you're interested. The rest you can find using google, or dafont, or other sites, but I'm sure google can be more helpful than me right now.
SO, well, okay, how do I text?
I have no clue. Sometimes I start with an idea or a lyric from a song (right in this moment for example I've these words in my head "cut through marrow and bone" from a tina dico lyrics), and, having the words I try to compose my icon, in my head, keeping in mind the text.
Does it works?
NOT A BIT. I always end up with a very messy icon and no space for text, but a very few examples of "YES THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I IMAGINED!" are these:
These, though, have been saved by text in some way (they were empty, or meaningless, or boring)
*you wouldn't say, would you? But the text was, in my original one, a LATE adds, in my plan, there was no "sam hunter" on the background, and no tiny line on the bottom! LOL SECRET REVEALED!
I don't really think I know how to use text, most of the time I just throw something on my canvas and move it around, just to see if it can work!
Probably, I spend a massive amount of time (more than I should anyway) trying out composition; and, if you consider that I'm a non-native with a very bad english, you know how long it might takes, especially when you don't want to put a quote on an icon, but something YOU want to write.
Anyway, uhm, what can I say more?
You've to try. Hard. A lot.
Focur maybe on something that's stuck in your mind and try to put it on an icon, if it doesn't fit, try to trim it down to a word/two words thing and try again!
Sometimes though, a text just won't work, if you think that's the case, leave the icon be for a while, save the psd and try again later with another size or font, or something. If it doesn't work though, it doesn't work.
Icons with text that I'm proud of + names of the fonts:
ROCKWELL (on both lines) / roadway and intro / rabiohead / baruta(not in the file at the top) / cubano
abraham lincoln / dubiel + rockwell / intro / legion slab / st marie
As I said at the beginning of this huge rant, I have no idea what to say about text, but I'm open to questions or dunno, whatever you might need from me, so feel free to ask for explanation of visual tutorial of VIDEO tutorial (gosh, I'm getting addicted, I've been filming myself making painted icon for another guide and I'm just lol'ing like an idiot because the videos are fun, no audio though, but hey!), ask!
AND if you want/need some of the fonts up there, just let me know and I'll upload them!