meme + much needed update

Dec 20, 2010 23:15

So YEAH I realize I haven't actually posted in this journal for.. AGES OTL so uh yeah here have a stolen meme from leafish (i steal a lot of memes nowadays what is up with dat)

Day 1 Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.
Day 2 Nine things about yourself.
Day 3 Eight ways to win your heart.
Day 4 Seven things that cross your mind a lot.
Day 5 Six things you wish you’d never done.
Day 6 Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)
Day 7 Four turn offs.
Day 8 Three turn ons.
Day 9 Two images that describe your life right now, and why.
Day 10 One confession

1. You're an amazing person and one of my biggest inspirations! It makes me ridiculously happy to just hear from you, and even happier when you praise me :'3 I hope we'll always be friends!

2. I feel lonely and maybe a bit jealous whenever I hear about you and her and the awesome times you have together, without me. I miss you both so badly it hurts. Please don't forget about me.

3. I'm over it now, and I'm really sorry. I'm scared to ask if you still want to be friends.

4. Someday I hope you realize how much I care about you. It really hurts to hide my feelings around you, and I'm afraid of losing you if I say anything. I just wish you weren't such a damn puzzle to figure out.

5. You're like the little brother I wish my own was like :'3 I hope I get the chance to visit you next year! <3

6. Never stop believing in yourself. You are such a beautiful, caring, unfailingly kind person, and I'm sorry that he can't see past his own issues to fully appreciate that. Personally, I think you deserve better.

7. Online gaming's a hell of a lot more fun when you're playing with me :3 I hate how we're in completely different time zones and I can't be online for as long as I'd like. We should talk more! <3

8. I'm both proud and a tinge jealous that at your age you've already achieved that much artistically! Stop putting yourself down so much, you are talented and fabulous and I will keep telling you like it is until I am blue in the face xD

9. Hate to say I told you so, but I told you so.

10. I honestly wish you'd stop freeloading off my family and get your act together already. We may be related but that doesn't entitle you to be a lazy fuck and do whatever you want. Show some respect to those who practically paid your way to be where you are, some people aren't so lucky.


Life had started to get hectic lately so I haven't had much time to update anything or post anything :T I have been drawing quite a lot lately though so I guess that's cool (though I've been lazy to upload any of them, ehehe). Good thing that next week is officially my school christmas break so looking forward to relaxing then :3 Right now I gotta get working on an assignment that's due tomorrow, eugh.

irl: extracurricular, meme, irl: school

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