short story fragment yeahhhh

Nov 20, 2010 19:01

Wrote part of an intended short story a couple of days ago (not for NaNo unfortunately, I'm not consistent enough for that rofl)

"Hello, mum? It's Mags. She's gone missing again."
I stare blankly at a spot on the wall, twirling the phone cord around my fingers as mum erupts into hysterics. I'd figured she would have already gotten used to this sort of thing, but given that she's pretty much the only normal person in our family it wasn't ever up for debate.

My name is Alice Green, and I'm a teleporter.

Actually, the teleporting comes from my father's side of the family. It's an inherited thing, I think. The first time I learned to do it was when I was about five. I'd very much wanted a doll that was in the window of a toy store, and the next thing I knew I was trapped behind solid glass casing. It took two attendants to get me out, and three hours of convincing the manager that it was a simple accident. Since then I've only ever used my ability to nip back and forth from the grocery, and to occasionally get out of a boring lecture.
Mags is a year older than me, and a completely different sort. The moment she figured out she could jump back and forth between places she took every opportunity to use it. Getting to school and out of it if she wanted wasn't an issue. Sneaking out at night wasn't a problem either, since neither mum, dad or any of our equally gifted relatives could even follow her. Teleportation is funny like that; you could only go to places you'd already been before, and my sister was conveniently well-traveled enough to lose even the most experienced in the family (which happened to be Uncle Simon, who was an avid backpacker in his younger years). To make things worse, you also had to know exactly where you wanted to be. Picturing a general area never worked, you'd only get dumped in a random spot in or around the place. There's also the motion sickness to worry about, if you teleported too many times in a day (Five a day is the maximum for most people, more or less depending on how strong your stomach is).

The thing about Mags was this: sometimes she would disappear without warning, for days on end. Impulse travel, I call it. Usually it happened when she was stressed out, had a fight with someone (in most cases, mum), or when it was that time of the month for her. In any case, it freaked mum out every time she did it; she'd go around calling friends and relatives asking if they'd seen her, and to tell her to come home if they did. I was never too worried about her though, because after a few days she would always reappear in the same place: sitting on my open windowsill, and always smelling like salty sea breeze.

This time though, she didn't come back.

My paid account's expiring in a couple days, sobbb. IT WAS FUN WHILE IT LASTED :C

story time

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