sirenspull app

Nov 28, 2010 19:26

Player Information

Name: Nikki
Age: 19
AIM SN: myraswift
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yep!
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? Takato (Usopp/Snow-mun)

Character Information

Canon Source: Final Fantasy XIII
Canon Format: Video Game
Character's Name: Serah Farron
Character's Age: 18

What form will your character's NV take? A cell phone-like device of a practical size: small enough to be easily portable, but not so small that it's easy to lose.

Character's Canon Abilities: Nothing is known about Serah's canon abilities, but since other characters are able to use magic upon being made a l'Cie (in game mechanics, they gain three Paradigms), it's likely that Serah obtained these abilities, too.

Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? As explained above, it's likely that Serah has some sort of superhuman abilities, but since we don't know what they are, I'll be giving her the three Paradigms I think suit her best: Saboteur, Synergist and Sentinal.

Saboteurs use spells to weaken enemies. Serah would start with the ability to weaken enemies' resistant to physical and magical attacks, and over time learn spells to slowly drain enemies' energy, slow their movements and stop them from using physical and magical attacks.

Synergists support their allies by casting protective spells. Serah would start with a spell to make allies less vulnerable to physical attacks and later learn to make allies less vulnerable to magical or other non-physical attacks and make allies move more quickly.

Sentinals use protective abilities to lessen the amount of damage they take. They have no attacking abilities, though they can counter when they are hit. Serah would specialise in avoiding attacks, rather than taking hits but surviving due to raised defence. She will also eventually learn to restore her health and raise her ability to survive hits while guarding.

More information on the abilities I've chosen for Serah can be found here.

Weapons: Serah doesn't seem to carry any weapons on her, so she would have to obtain something after her arrival.


Character History: A recounting of Serah's history can be found here here.

Point in Canon: After being captured by the Pulse fal'Cie, before the group arrives at the Pulse Vestige and she turns to crystal.

Character Personality: Serah's in-game profile describes her as "possessing an inner fortitude beyond her years". Being an orphan, she matured faster than most people her age. This mostly shows in her thoughtfulness: she is quite wise, and is able to at least partially quell others' fears with her advice (though even she's not sure if her suggested course of action will always work). She is very understanding and has no problem listening quietly to others' problems then giving whatever advice she can.

Serah seems to be the type of person to generally think a situation over before acting on it; in her conversation with Vanille, she suggested dealing with her problems later if it was too hard now, saying that "sometimes things seem easier when you look at them from a distance". It is suggested that this is what Serah herself was doing about becoming a l'Cie and her dream of her destroying the world. Being too scared to face her problems, she had been running away from them. Her acknowledging her this is another sign of her maturity and self-awareness.

Serah then went on to say that she'd learnt that running away and leaving the people she cared about behind only hurt them rather than keeping them safe. While she tried to break up with Snow after becoming a l'Cie, in the end she accepted his help in trying to complete her Focus. While Serah is quite independent, she thinks that having people to stand by her and help her when she needs it is important, too. She is very caring, and the people around her mean a lot to her, Lightning and Snow in particular. Serah then proved that she'd taken a step towards facing her problems when she told Lightning that she'd become a l'Cie.

Serah is also a very practical girl. Her birthday present to Lightning was a knife, hoping that it would keep her sister safe. It's likely that this trait came from being an orphan, as she'd be used to concentrating on the practical things while she and Lightning were taking care of themselves. Also, while Lightning is the older sibling, Serah worries about her just as much as Lightning worries about Serah. Even though Lightning didn't believe Serah about becoming a l'Cie at first, the two are obviously very close and care about each other a lot.

While Serah and Lightning are similar in some ways, Serah isn't as stoic as her sister. While it isn't really a common behaviour for her, she has been driven to tears a couple of times, and she admits to being scared about her fate after becoming a l'Cie. She is also very open and friendly, as shown when she and Vanille seem to get along well very soon after meeting.

Character Plans: Meeting up with her canonmates, making sure that Lightning doesn't push herself too hard and that Snow stays out of trouble. Apart from that, she'd probably just help out at their cafe and go along with whatever the rest of the group plans. She could possibly work as a Greeter once she settles in, too.


Writing Samples

First Person Sample
Setting up a cafe is harder work than I would have expected. I guess that's not surprising, though, since I've never helped set up a cafe before. It's been fun, though! It's a good chance to talk to everyone. It's been especially good to get to know those in the group who Lightning and Snow know but I never had a chance to meet before coming here.

I'm surprised how much I'm enjoying life here, actually. Being a l'Cie is actually quite useful, since I wouldn't be able to fight otherwise. Which reminds me, Light, can you make sure we get a chance to talk before you go out at night the next time? I know you don't want me out there, but I don't like the idea of you going alone. We should talk about it, though, and see if we can come to a compromise.

Snow, do you want to go out for lunch next time we're free?

Third Person Sample
Serah came to a stop in an alcove, bent over with her hands on her knees, trying to force her breathing back to a normal pace. She pulled her new weapon out, holding it slightly awkwardly. It looked like this would be her first training session for using it against a moving enemy. She subconsciously touched the bandages on her left arm; being a l'Cie would be useful after all.

Taking a deep breath and mentally going over her instructions on how to use her whip and her planned tactics for fighting, she peeked around the corner before jumping away from the enemy as it neared her hiding spot. She flipped her whip around, holding the lengthened handle in both hands and focusing her energy on casting Protect on herself. She dodged to the side as she completed the spell, barely dodging the attack aimed at her, then winced as the follow-through attack grazed her shoulder.

Backing up as much as she was able to, she prepared to cast Deprotect. She let out a gasp as another attack hit her, almost breaking her concentration. She gathered herself back together, casting the spell then switching her grip on her whip, preparing to use it for physical attacks. Blocking one attack then evading the next, she quickly countered, lashing her whip towards the creature. While her aim was off, the attack still connected.

Taking advantage of the opening, she turned and ran, frequently glancing over her shoulder. She knew she was better suited to back-up in a fight. Her breath drew short again, out of exertion and fear. She pushed herself to run faster, knowing that safety was close by.

She slid to the floor in relief as she entered the Darkness-proofed building. Her lips slowly relaxed into a grin. She had survived her first fight, and alone at that. Now she had some evidence to back up her claims to Snow and Lightning that she could take care of herself!

app, ooc

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