I have an LJ, whaat?

Aug 29, 2009 01:33

Sooo what's happened since I last posted? Well, I spent a month in India, and then had Orientation when I came back. Signed up for classes (which aren't offical yet, I'll post my schedule later), found out who my roommates are (also not official yet), got some dorm stuff... OH and I GOT MY BRACES OFF :D

I posted some more stuff on DA and wrote a couple more short stories which I haven't posted yet. I also started watching Skins. I saw up to the second episode of the second season, which, lemme say, is my favorite thus far (aside from the trip-to-Russia one). And although Anwar is awesome (and not just cuz I LOVE Dev Patel), I like Cassie the best. I want to create a character who is a cross between Cassie and Hannelore from Questionable Content.

So basically, said character is anorexic and OCD and emotionally disturbed (like if a guy dumped her she'd try to kill herself). She organizes stuff a lot (like food) and is really good with numbers and counting. She plays the drums. I might make her some sort of stalker, if she has someone to stalk.

I also posted a few new things in this baby: http://silencecanbeviolent.wordpress.com/
She's my rant/opinion blog, appropriately (I think) titled "Silence Can Be Violent" (it's a quote from Fistful of Steel by Rage Against the Machine). Check it out, there's some pretty interesting shit going on. And it's apparent that I have been reading too many radical feminist blogs. :P (although they haven't been posting much stuff lately, which I don't like)

Oh, and I joined the Tales of Series Forum (ToSF) site. Granted, I don't know much about tales (I did almost get one of the games, but we ended up getting FFX instead and now I'm just hoping something will come out for PS3 soon). Mainly I joined for the uber-awesome RPs that go on that an IRL friend told me about.

The latest Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged is AWESOME. I'm so into it now... if I go to fanime next year (which I REALLY want to go) then I want to make a shirt that says "Screw the rules, I have green hair" and then spray paint my hair green. I also saw the episodes of Avatar Abridged, but there are only 9 so far and they're not quite as good.

I haven't finished my summer homework for college yet (yes I have homework, since one of my classes is required)... I probably should. It's certainly not easy. It's to read Existentialism by Jean Paul Sartre... if anyone has read it, I'd appreciate help, since it's hard to read and there are parts I don't quite get.

Oh! My friends and I went to see the Twilight Knights one day a couple weeks ago. That was fun. We learned basic fencing and then we fenced each other and hung out for a while. A group of them went to play Mage: The Awakening at one of their houses (which I guess is something they always do after practice) and we almost came with, but it was too far and too late. Hopefully we'll be able to go again, and then we can play! :D

Oh oh oh and for those who like free music and video games and video game music, check this out : http://www.8bitpeoples.com/discography/by/anamanaguchi
It's a band called Anamanaguchi. They play music... get this... using an NES! There's an entire genre for this, called Bit Pop (like Brit Pop, get it?) or 8but music. Many bands put their stuff on that site so people can get it for free. Their first album is up on there, but the second isn't yet... I dunno if they intend on putting it up, otherwise you'll need to buy it. It had no lyrics, but it's still oddly inspiring for those who DO write lyrics/poetry, if you get what I mean.

Speaking of writing, I plan on posting a poem and maybe a short story in the next few days, so watch out for that.

But yeah, life is all around pretty good.

PS: I LOVE my current icon. Gaspard Ulliel as Hannibal Lecter is preety smexy :D

optimism, abridged series, avatar, randomness, life, rant, college

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