Been a while, hasn't it?

Jun 03, 2009 01:07

Yeah, it's been a while. So, what's new?
Well for starters, I got into three new serieses (?), of which I finished 2. I watched all of Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series first. I remembered watching the normal one on TV with my brother as a kid, so it was fun to see the Abridged version, especially since they poked fun at a lot of the stuff I'd poke fun at when watching the series the first time (Puberty Power!). Also, a friend recommended Fooly Cooly to me, so I saw that. Only 6 episodes. I don't think it has an abridged series, although that's probably a good thing; if it was any more abridged it would make a person's head spin. It would be like parody-ing a crack fic (which is really what FLCL is, one big crack fic, in a way).

I also started watching Tengen Toppen Gurren Lagann. I've seen up to episode 7 at this point. Not bad considering I just started today xD. But again, someone recommended it to me. Same person who told me to watch FLCL, actually. TTGL is not as crack-y as FLCL, although that seems to be mainly due to it being longer and having more plot. TTGL almost feels Pokemon-esque in a way... like they have a battle, and continue on their journey. That's from the first 7 episodes, though, I heard it changes a lot later.

Also, here's the school life:
TV/Film/Video: our video finished. It had it's "premiere" today actually. People didn't hate it, which was kinda neat, but they did think it was too quiet. Yeah, didn't have too much dialogue, and no music at the beginning. Or ambient sound. We'd recorded the voices and dubbed them over and normally we would've recorded ambient sound to put over it too, but there was no time what with all the animation and yadda yadda.

AP Calculus AB: Post-final project is tomorrow. I did a research project on synesthesia, and oral presentation (because it was required).

Economics: Today I forgot my textbook. Which I had to turn in to take the final. Tried calling parents at tutorial to get them to bring it over (I can't drive) but mom wasn't picking up and dad was stuck in traffic. I talked to Wilson, who said I could drop it off later today. My friend's mom gave me a ride home and halfway there, mom called my cell and said she was at school with my textbook. Apparently dad called and finally got through to her. Wooow. Also, final was easy.

Black/White Photo: We have a quiz tomorrow. Just on stuff we've been doing all year though. Mainly what aperture and what shutter speed to use under which conditions. No biggie.

Physiology: Final Thursday. Luckily not cumulative. Dissected a sheep's heart the other day. That was pretty cool. I was one of few who could touch it without gloves (he let us) although that's because I hate gloves more than I hate washing hands.

AP English: Had my Senior Project. It went well, I guess. Made those chocolate cupcakes with cookies in the center. Maybe I'll post the recipe here sometime because they're delicious. People loved em.

Also, I declared last Monday officially "Cookie Day" and I ran around giving people homemade chocolate chip (with some white chocolate chips) cookies for no reason except that I like baking and I like giving people food. And I figured it was a nice way to end the year. I didn't know it, but it was apparently also Senior Ditch Day. Huh. Not that I would've ditched anyway, but those who ditch must face consequences, including not getting cookies.

I'm thinking of starting an opinion blog for all the rants I post/intend to post here/on Facebook. Although I don't know what to call it. I'll just be on my opinions and things that bug me. Call it an outlet. I'm thinking "A blog of sterile acrimony" (reference to JFK's speech where he mentions 'a bog of sterile acrimony'). Only I dunno if it sounds too... Republican? Is that the right word? It doesn't fit for a liberal's viewpoints somehow, though I dunno why. Whadda you think?

flcl, school, ttgl, abridged series, life

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