Welcome back, Heroes! :P

Feb 06, 2009 14:48

Alright, Heroes is back!
Also, I'm trying to keep up with my flist more, although there's no way I'll ever be able to fully catch up. Eh.

Alright, so people are getting captured left and right. Tracy, Mo, Peter, Hiro ... all by some guy apparently named Danko. Then Claire saves them and the plane crashes.

Nathan's going evil again. Half of me wishes he'd make up his mind, half of me doesn't mind. At least HRG has always been morally gray, so it's not that bad. Nathan's just always tried to do the right thing, that occasionally ends up being the wrong thing, you know?

Hiro and his lair ... that was cute. Ando must save the world! On his Ando-cycle! And he uses it ... to pick up girls. So typical Ando, but that's why we love him, right? Plus, Ando is the important person... could totally see it coming but it was cute nonetheless.

Noah is definitely up to something, though. He needs a reason to be helping Danko. All he ever wanted was to help Claire, so I'm assuming they have some deal? Hands off Claire if he helps? No idea, but she's related somehow.

Speaking of Claire, hahah, return of the teen angst! Even though she it's not likely she'd be going to top Ivies (I mean really). But still, so much Paire, it makes me happy. He's the first one she calls, the first one he saves, yadda yadda.

Sylar trying to figure out his past is interesting. I guess I kind of sensed that he wasn't really the son of a watchmaker. But apparently he's the son of a taxidermist? I find that hilarious, a serial killer born from a taxidermist. I don't mind how disconnected it is from everything else, cuz Sylar does need his own journeys every once in a while.

Also, Peter should learn to stop hugging people. He hugs his dead daddy, and his powers go away. He hugs his brother, and is tasered. One would think he'd notice a pattern by now. Don't hug people who are sketchy.

You know, looking at these advertisements for Heroes, it seems nothing like the old 'save the cheerleader' type of stuff. It's so much more intense now, and the ads make it look like a completely different show. I love it nonetheless. :)

Haven't had time to watch Merlin (which I swore to myself I'd start following).
It rained today and I had to take pics for Photography in the rain. Meaning wet shoes. Oof.
My tooth implant fell out for the second time, meaning I need to get it re-cemented. Again. Meanwhile, my gums are swelling and it feels weird to eat, even though I'm SO hungry.
I haven't finished Red Dragon. In fact I'm only on Chapter 5. Why have I not had time to read it? Heart of Darkness for AP English, Physiology practicals, and AP Calculus. OOF

Also, the creative writing I wrote for AP English was 10 pages. Although, I didn't like it; I think it sucked. :/
Parts were funny though.
The plural of Nicholas is Nickolai. :P

The math test today sucked. It sucked logs, haha.

Also, there was a thing about George Carlin (the BEST stand up comedian EVER) the other night, in memory (he died last July at 71 of heart problems). And guess what? I MISSED IT. Hopefully it'll be up on Youtube soon.

I wanna rant on Dov Charney and his stupidity, but that'll be for another post.

merlin, school, heroes, randomness, life

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