New Heroes episode + random

Nov 18, 2008 19:40

Hiro becoming 10 is like Mohinder becoming a monster. Granted, NBC's problems with Hiro don't last long. But anyway, I hope this has a real purpose, and isn't just stalling. Although, can't think of a reason to make him mentally a kid again. Memory wipe is what I'm guessing. Also, I don't remember Ando being this patient. Like, ever. Gosh NBC, quit using Hiro for comic relief? If you want to be funny, don't just stuff it all into one storyline!

Typical Paire, reunited again! :D So Claire saves Peter, then Peter saves Claire. Peter 2, Claire 1. You're still behind, girl. :P But really, I like this season's Claire. Standing up for herself instead of following everyone else and having to get saved all the time. Especially in combination with Peter's hero complex. And also, two things I liked about this episode's Paire- Claire roughly saying "I'm not gonna kill you; I'm gonna save you" and "I'm defensive player of the year". :D

I really hope Daphne doesn't flip sides again. Although considering she was on the good, she probably won't. Matt and Daphne need each other. Matt needs her because he's a big lovey bug and needs to fall in love, and if anyone deserves to live happily ever after, it's him. Daphne needs him because really, she needs love too, and she needs him so she won't go back to her old ways. Guh, their pairing is just so sweet and lovey. Contrast to Syelle. Plus, opposites attract [cop/thief]. :)

Not I'm kind of glad Sylar did his temporary good thing, because it seems to have given him time to think and have feelings. Even if he does end up going bad in the end. Same with Elle; she was fired from good, so she turned bad. Sylar/Elle is just so hot. Plus, they fit together really well. They just get each other, you know? Plus, she knows his favorite pie. :P According to paynesgrey, Voyeuristic!Arthur wants evil Petrelli grandbabies. Because after all, why else would he have stuck his only evil son in a chamber with a woman who wants to zap his clothes off? :P Ooh, I can smell the resulting plotbunnies cooking now.

Angela and Arthur don't seem like a married couple to me. If anything, a divorced couple (which is what a normal family would do instead of trying to kill each other, but since when was Petrelli normal?). But there was a hint of that past marriage, especially when Arthur said that they "used to be like that" [referring to Matt/Daphne]. Even though I think Arthur betrayed Angela (not vice versa), I still was able to feel for him, you know? Seems Angela is the only one who can bring out the human in him.

Tracy turning to Arthur's side didn't really surprise me. Very politician, haha. Nathan dashing [or flying] back to mommy dearest is so very typical as well. I hope he has some character development this season, cuz he's starting to feel almost stale.

I think the eclipse just makes peoples' powers manifest properly. You know, like maybe after the eclipse, the test subject get his powers and such. Maybe the mutations even fade or get better. Who knows?

Soo, anyone familiar with the comedian George Carlin? Well I found a bunch of his stuff while Stumbling and he is awesome. Unfortunately, he died 6 months ago. Rest in peace.

Finally figured out how to get links set up, hur hur. So now I need to find interesting stuff to link to. :P

Applied Early Decision last minute to a school. Recommendations and transcript may or may not get there on time. I really hope I get in Early; I really like the school. Not naming names, but it's a liberal arts school. A very liberal arts school. As in when I visited, one of the people on the tour found a magazine about communism or something. And oddly, it makes me happy. :P

Karma's biting me in the ass for having been so annoying to my [now ex] friends all these years. 7th grade, 8th grade, 9th grade, 11th grade ... it's all coming back in the form of a friend who needs so much attention, she isn't willing to give any of it up. I was talking about how stressed I was about college and she interrupts me to go on about her red Oreos. But you know what? I'm just going to deal with it. You can't always just pick and choose the people you want to ignore [unlike with foreign policy, apparently] and sometimes you just have to make your own choices and deal with what you get. If that makes sense. You can't change others; you can change your patience with others. Besides, she's my friend. She may be a bit ... histrionic ... but I'm not gonna make her change who she is. Because really, you need to learn to deal with other peoples' flaws, not just their strengths.
Mmkay, end of today's lesson. :P

Also, I think I may need a politics tag. How many politics entries do I have? Hmmm...

optimism, school, livejournal, heroes, friends, randomness, life

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