Shut Up

Jun 26, 2012 23:12

June 25 - Still listening to Gone with the Wind. In its favor I can say it has many events. Unlike some novels that stretch out a few events, this one cannot be summarized properly in a few words, because a lot of stuff does happen. When I see stories where few things happen in comparison to the amount of words it takes for those things to happen I don't like it, they're too slow. Couldn't the author think of more events? More twists and turns? This one is amusing in that. Although I must say, that though Butler did amuse me in the beginning I ended up not liking him later and...

I'm going to talk spoilers now. It's not even his treatment of Scarlet or his dealings with Belle. I don't like him because he's so pathetically attached to Bonnie. It was sweet when he was with Wade because he showed affection for the child without going overboard. Bonnie is his own child, yes, but his change was too abrupt and it ruined his character. There's just something terribly unattractive about a man obsessed with his kid to the point of loving it more than his lover and leaving all adventures behind. I truly dislike fluffy family men and the charm of his "improper" character died... and he turned boring even if he had been ever so amusing a character before. Now he feels hypocritical, sheltering Bonnie and dealing with Belle. Then being with Belle and playing the victim for Scarlet at the end. She's far more loyal than him that's for sure. It was balanced before when he was brutally honest, it fit him much better. Scarlet is still a brat, even if she has become braver and stronger I'm glad she didn't change after all. I like bratty characters, they're ever so amusing in stories!

Later... finished listening... that "my dear" quote at the end... I've heard it before and didn't know where it was from... now I do. But for all it's eventfulness the ending was left hanging and inconclusive, which is a disappointment. I do like Scarlet's procrastination, but the inconclusiveness sucks. Oh well, I'd cheer for her because she's an amusing character.

June 26 - Afternoon... Played a bit of Gurumin last night. The story is simple and not at all interesting, but the gameplay itself is super fun! It's an action RPG with game play somewhat similar to Ratchet & Clank and such types of 3D platforming games. Basically, a girl named Parin, armed with a legendary drill, must go around a magical world rescuing monsters. Pretty simple, but pretty fun. I only just got started and I'm in the forest stage.

Night... Played a bit more Hakuoki and unlocked the last ending I was missing. I got them all! The Chizuru end, all the Shinsengumi boys and Kazama. I'm still missing some gallery pics and definitions, but I'm not going to get them. I just wanted the endings. I think I'll take off Hakuoki from my mem-stick to make room for others. I also played a little bit of Zenonia this afternoon. It's so cute and it was cheap since it's from the mini section.

I finished Hakuoki while I should have been chatting with everyone at Amassment, but my stupid parents had an argument and dragged me into playing adviser. Again mother says she's leaving, I hope she goes through with it this time because dad and I, logical creatures with no patience for emo outbursts, are sick of her. I do wish she's see a counselor but she thinks it's only for clinically insane people and going would be like saying everything she stands for it's wrong. I know counseling isn't like that, though not from personal experience, I know people who have gone. then she can rant to someone who actually gets paid to listen to her stupidity.

I think Hakuoki made me feel better now, I'll log in and see if there's anyone still chatting even if I'm like an hour late, or more if my interpretation of time zones is incorrect.

A few minutes later... people are still chatting! yay! :D I'm glad I didn't miss it. Though drama is still happening in the background, I can ignore it.

Fantasy Bit
June 25 - Added a new link.

Golden Phoenix
June 24 - New layout!
June 25 - Added iPod wallpapers and mouse cursors.

June 25 - Revolution 6: Heartbreak (X-Men: Evolution)

June 26 - Akito and Monique (TWTYH)

golden phoenix, hakuoki, updates, fantasy bit, zenonia, fanart, fanfics, sites, gurumin, pixels, kaleido star, x-men: evolution, video games, the way to your heart, avatar

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