Gone with the wind...

Jun 23, 2012 19:42

June 19 - For those who were using my notes as a reference, I put all the files related to them in their own folder. They are not gone! They are here: http://piratesboard.net/mikari/fantasy/azure/notes.html I revamped the old Lina and Gourry layouts to make the pictures stay on the screen while the text scrolls. Instead the text fades away as it reached the top image. There is a new layout too. It features Miku from Vocaloids.

June 20 - Joined another art archive http://mikaristar.sheezyart.com Someone at Beloved Enemy http://z3.invisionfree.com/Beloved_Enemy/index.php?&act=site Neptune I think... mentioned The character of Gone with the Wind being like Xellos and Filia. I needed something to listen to while I uploaded fanworks to yet another archive, so I went through posting 75 stories at Your Fiction http://yourfanfiction.com/viewuser.php?uid=3118 and now I'm posting a bunch of fanarts at Sheezy Art, all while listening to the story. Though the characters are not exactly like them, I do see strong similarities. The only big difference is Scarlet being flirty and selfish, which Filia is the opposite, but they have similar tempers and interactions. Butler also has a lot of personality traits that are indeed quite similar to Xellos and everything I notice something about them it makes me laugh in amusement. I would so have liked to see them in a modern day setting as I don't like stories of the past, but the characters are fun, so they make up for the boring setting.

I like Butler's sincerity, kind of reminds me of myself, seeing the world for its usefulness, but I'm more like Scarlet in that it's usefulness goes as far as its entertainment. While I'm definitely not a flirt, all the opposite, I can be rather cold. I do appreciate Scarlet's simple self-centered nature as I identify with it. I can watch the world fall apart but if I am amused, it's all good. If I'm not amused, who cares about anything? I also share Scarlet's disregard for more people, lack of patience and general dislike for children and their responsibilities. Except I figured that out before getting married, while for her, she realized that freedom is better than marriage all too late, though she may recover still. I think I'm about half way through listening to this. I don't like the overly long setting descriptions that appear at times or the setting itself, but like I said, the fun characters make it amusing enough. Butler's overly-honest practicality is very amusing, though he's look much better in my imagination if he'd shave, because the narrative has reminded me of his mustache several times and I don't like mustaches or any sort of facial hair.

June 22 - I'm on Lost Universe episode 10. :) Gone with the Wind is turning boring. Scarlet is turning too responsible. I like adventurous carefree character that throw responsibilities to the wind and go off adventuring leaving the rest of the world to fend for itself! Oh well... I'll still finish listening to it.

June 23 - We had a super delay due to thunder storms and then when the airplane did arrive, it had a worn tire which the mechanic needed to take care of, so that added more to the delay. So instead of a round trip that takes 3 hour to process between receiving passengers, checking in the ones that are leaving, loading, clean up and boarding, it took 8 hours for the process, most of which were spent waiting for the airplane to arrive. I watched episode 11 of Lost Universe on my iPod at the office, then wrote a little for my X-Men: Evolution fanfic after I had to go from the office to the gate where the office wireless doesn't reach. Xellos (my iPod's name) even if you might be Lina's useful item number four, you're turning into my useful item number one!

Naturally, cranky passengers with, literally, red eyes were more abundant than ever before. I was very sleepy as the sun had come up and I'm using to going home hours before that. It was eight in the morning! I haven't been awake at eight in the morning for years! On the bright side, I did get some nice pictures. I think my favorites are the one with sunrise over the airplane parking lot between the airport building and the runway and the control tower.

While waiting for the tire process, a few flight attendants and airport employees were at the back stairs. We heard a bird and wee all like "someone's cell phone is ringing." We kept looking at each other because no one was answering their phone and realized that none of us had a bird ring tone for calls. Then after a few minutes of confusion and putting our ears to the cellphone, iPods and various hand-held electronics, we looked up. There on the tail of the airplane there was a bird singing more cheerfully that anyone should at that tired early hour. We laughed because none of us expected bird sounds to come from an actual bird. I posted a bunch of airport pics at Deviant art, go take a look! http://mikaristar.deviantart.com

Fantasy Bit
June 19 - Added a few links, revamped existing layouts and made a new layout.

June 19 - Did some minor updates and small additions of a few coding examples.

June 19 - Slayers Alive 149: Win! There Are No Impossibilities (Slayers)
June 19 - Revolution 4: Disconcerted (X-Men: Evolution)
June 20 - Slayers Alive 150: Finale! Every End Brings A Beginning (Slayers)
June 22- Revolution 5: Nostalgia (X-Men: Evolution)

June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 1
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 2
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 3
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 4
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 5
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 6
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 7
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 8
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 9
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 10
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 11
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 12
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 13
June 19 - Webdesign Tutorial 14
June 19 - Shooting Star Icons and Cursors
June 21 - Blue, Gray and White (photo)
June 22 - Yummy Yellow (photo)
June 22 - Choco Donut (photo)
June 23 - Squares 1 (photo)
June 23 - Squared 2 (photo)
June 23 - Airport (photo)
June 23 - Airplane Door 2 (photo)
June 23 - Sky (photo)
June 23 - Runway 1 (photo)
June 23 - Runway 2 (photo)
June 23 - Runway 3 (photo)
June 23 - Runway 4 (photo)
June 23 - Runway 5 (photo)
June 23 - Runway 6 (photo)
June 23 - Runway 7 (photo)
June 23 - Runway 8 (photo)
June 23 - Spirit 2 (photo)
June 23 - Vertigo (photo)
June 23 - United 3 (photo)
June 23 - Spirit 3 (photo)
June 23 - Wing 1 (photo)
June 23 - Wing 2 (photo)
June 23 - Tail to tail (photo)
June 23 - Wing to wing (photo)
June 23 - United 4 (photo)
June 23 - United 5 (photo)
June 23 - United 6 (photo)
June 23 - United 7 (photo)
June 23 - FedEx (photo)
June 23 - United 8 (photo)
June 23 - Tower 2 (photo)
June 23 - Airport Sunrise (photo)

airport, updates, fantasy bit, cursors, slayers, fanart, fanfics, sites, webdesign, photo, pixels, gone with the wind, azure, x-men: evolution, icons

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