Ys Chroicles

Mar 25, 2011 16:16

The older Ys games, Ys I & II Chronicles, have a different play style from Oath in Felghana. They're both like Zelda with leveling up, but in these older ones you don't jump or sing your sword. you just have Adol run into enemies and he'll swing his sword by himself automatically, which I found very annoying at first because I can press the button faster than that anyway. It's not hard to get used to, but it feels lacking to run around slashing at things like that. It's convenient I suppose since you can play most of it with one hand, just run, bump into enemies to slash at them, bump into chests to open them, bump into people to talk, even if you didn't mean to talk and just bumped into them. -.- You only really need to use your other hand to equip stuff. The good news is that so far all the Y?s games I've played allow control by both analog and buttons and we all know I never liked the analog. I wish Phantasy Star portable had the option to move with the buttons. I'm a classic gamer, give me my button controls and nothing more.


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