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I don't like how they arranges the Yu Yu Hakusho seasons. I think the Taguro season should have been last. The Sensui season wasn't as good and a set up for the king season, which should have been second. Season 1 - Introduce everyone, same as the anime. Season 2 - The hero deals with his personal crisis, the King saga. Season 3 - They struggle against new enemies and learn, Sensui saga. Season 4 - All out battle against a strong foe. Sure the others were technically stronger, but they didn't show it as much and after so many battles in the tournament, what was to follow felt weak by comparison, higher power levels, but less action.
It sucks when everything is going actiony and fast paced and then they decided to have a dramatic crisis. Let's get the identity problems out of the way early and concentrate on the plot and battles later on. -.- I'm on episode 99 of 112 now. I have a feeling the ending will be a bit blah as they excluded many of the characters that served as amusement and left it only to the main few. As much as I like Kurama, they are much more amusing as a group. I know I'll miss Kuwabara's stupid yet funny clumsiness if he's off screen for too long. The story of the ice apparitions also contradicts what was said about Hiei and Yukina earlier. So they were twins rather than half siblings? The story of the twins is more interesting.
xoxox xox Updates xox xoxox
- Organized things around Golden Phoenix. No big changes.
- Added a new page to Jade Shadow discussing the similarities between Ureksa and Chester. I also organized the site.
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