
Jan 31, 2011 20:50

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Gaia cosplay! This week it's Mika from Phantasy Star Portable 2. Rate me a 5! ^_~

I watched Salt. Decent action, not wow, but still entertaining.

A woman is trained as a spy since she was a child. Years later when she's an adult, she is taken captive under those suspicions and tortured. A man with connections who had fallen in love with her saves her. They get married and live peacefully. A few years later, an enemy agent is "captured" and she interrogates him (she's with the CIA) then he lets her know in his own way that she must accomplish the mission she was trained for because they have her husband.

The CIA tries to stop her from running off to search for her husband who she tried to call and he won't answer. So she breaks out of the building and runs to her apartment. There she finds that her husband did apparently get kidnapped. She keeps running from the CIA, who believe is really was a spy, which she was, but she's only playing along because the bad guys stole her man and she would otherwise not have done anything. She executes her mission to kill the Russian president who was visiting America for the funeral of the American vice-president. That was all part of their plan for their plan to start a war so they can take everything when its weakened.

However, it turns out she didn't kill the president, she only paralyzed him with poison to make him appear dead. She let herself be caught and consequently escaped so that it would be known that she was the assassin. With that to prove her mission, she runs off to find the leader of the bad guys to save her husband. Unfortunately they kill him. She witnesses this and knowing she had only revenge left, keeps her cool like she didn't really care. Then when the spies think she's really one of them who has returned to their side, she goes bomb and trigger happy and cleans out their hide out.

She pretends to continue with the next part of their plan, though unknown to the other spies, their leader is dead. Her new mission is to kill off all the other spies. She participates in a plot to kill the American president and discovers that her CIA coworker was one of the other spies. She managed to trick him into thinking she's on his side, until he sees the news that the Russian president was not killed after all and realized she "faked" her mission. He had set some missiles to launch to pick a fight with the middle east too, she manages to stop him, but when the cops finaly swarm in, she takes the blame and he's a "hero" though she was actually the one who stopped him from launching the missiles.

As they carry her out handcuffed, he plots to kill her to keep her quiet and prevent her from further causing trouble, but in a gravity defying motion she uses the long chain of her handcuffs (convenient that they weren't the usual short ones) to choke him to death. She's still arrested though. As she is taken away on a helicopter, she talks to her other CIA coworker (who is not a spy) and tells him the truth. He pretends not to believe her, because "no one would believe that" but discretely gives her a chance to jump off the chopper and escape while he pretend to freak out because she's getting away.

She hands in some water, makes it to shore and runs through a forest while the chopper tries to locate her. Her mission is to hunt down the rest of the spies... The End... WTF END?! Yup that's it, we never know if she makes it, we never know if she proves her innocence, we never know anything else. I don't expect a sequel because they would need a bigger boss and she apparently already killed the big boss. A bigger boss could work, but would seem out of no where. Besides, without the big boss the remaining spies don't seem like that much of a threat. Then what? Cleaning her name would be next to impossible as she did indeed took out a few of the good guys during her battle to stop a "worse crisis." Plus she's got no man to save anymore. Basically anything beyond this point would feel unepic.

I think they could have wrapped it up by giving the spies a number limit. Then she would looking for x number of spies with the guy from the CIA who tried to launch the missiles being the last one. With her missions accomplished, she escapes off to live the rest of her life, then they can cut if off there and we can assume that she live out the rest of her life hiding in plain sight in peace. But since they left some unfought battles and she had already fought all the big ones, those extra battles that were not important enough to include make the imagined ending must unepic. True that she killed the boss before the other spy, but the spy was more skilled then the boss, thus even if he was a minion was still better last boss material. However, you don't put a weak enemy after the strongest one, as it will feel unepic by comparison and that last one is the one that people will remember. End on a high note, present a resolution before the hype of the climax is completely gone.

xoxox xox Links xox xoxox

Sites: Fantasy Bit | Indigo | Golden Phoenix | Jade Shadow | Black Ring | Continuum

Fanworks: Pirates Board Fiction | Fanfiction Net | Deviant Art

gaia online, movies, salt, phantasy star portable 2

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