Dragoneer's Aria

Jan 30, 2011 13:51

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RIP Echo... It was a lovely site, but alas, keeping the links functional was basically impossible. It seems I'm just ahead of my time, audio-fanfics, your day will come. It just reinforces my theory that they sent me here from the future to try to keep me away from the cool tech that I was destined to use to take over the world.

I beat Dragoneer's Aria! The battles are a bit slow at times though not so bad once you get the hand of leveling, collect mana from weaker creatures and unleash an all out combo on the strong ones. I had everyone above 80 with the Orichalcum equipment. Bosses tend to have a ton of HP so I thought the last fight would be longer. I was 2 bosses in a row, Langley and then Langley fused with Nidhogg... That's it?

They made such a fuss about Nidhogg I thought I would have to beat Langley, then Nidhogg. So Langley was being controlled by Nidhogg, yeah, but it looked like Langley was calling the shots. If Nidhogg is so great, why not just take out the heroes himself, he killed off the thunder dragon easily enough. The last fight was... kind of a let down. The fusion had some decent attacks but it rarely used it's killer move so healing in between was pretty easy. It's like you could withstand the killer move and be left on the verge of death, but no mental alarms would go off because you just know you'll have plenty of time to heal before he even thinks of doing that again.

Then the ending... that sucked too. I was expecting more because really, the characters had lots of funny scenes and they all have their charm. Euphe never replied to Valen's declaration of love. Instead Langley was free from the mind control after Nidhog was defeated and he whined about being controlled. Then Valen gave him a speech about how it's okay because they're best friends.

We don't know if Euphe and Valen ended up together. We don't know if the law about Dragoon descendants having to be Dragoons and marry only other Dragoons was ever abolished, which it seemed they were planning to do. We don't know if Mary got a new ship. We don't know if Ruslan got his pot back or if he stayed or went back to the forest. We don't know what they reported to Sonia and speaking of Sonia, some commander, she just stands around in the plaza and lets her soldiers do everything. For crying out loud, get out here too!

Basically, we don't know a lot of things and I waited for all the credits just in case. I got nothing but a trip back to the title screen. I was also able to save my levels which I gained from the last boss exp, but the clear data is just the same, when loaded, I'm in the save point right before the last boss, same situation before the fight with a few extra levels. -.-

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