Countdown to Dragon*Con

Aug 31, 2010 23:42

I packed our clothes Monday. With the decision to go to acupuncture less often, comes many ideas and plans to lessen known stressors. Travel by plane is always stressful for me, right up until I get ON the plane. It's not the flying...its getting to the airport, getting thru security, getting to my seat, getting my bags stowed...

Its a lot of things that are out of my control, so I stress. Rather than scramble today or tomorrow to pack, I packed Monday. One main stressor down and out. Tonight I pack up a few little things, and tomorrow I pack the toiletries. We head out at 2:30 to pick up patsytheloomer at the train station, then off to the convenience store for a good lunch to hold us over...then off to the airport to wait. Takeoff is at 6:12, if we're on time...and our hotel room is confirmed for two beds.

Acupuncture tonight was lovely except for a wicked itch I had on the front of my thigh, which I could not scratch due to the needles in my wrist and forearm. So it was less relaxing than I wanted, but I still feel a lot better than I did the last three or four days. I also finally made it to the tattoo studio for my rook piercing, a gift from my sister for my birthday. :D It didn't hurt much at all, and very little blood, just a lot of pressure and a slight burn. The guy is GOOD. He had a lot of his own piercings that he'd done himself, and he has been at it for a LONG time. His earlobes were gauged to a diameter of probably 3 or 4 inches...and he said it took 10 years to get them that way. O_O

So tonight, after I log off, I'll wash up for bed, clean my piercing, relax with my hubby and cuddle my cat (whom I shall miss terribly while I'm gone...I hate leaving him behind).

Mom bought me a book to read on the I just have to keep myself from reading it NOW. :P

Have a great weekend peeps! I'll post if I can, but that's doubtful...when I'm not at the con...I'll be sleeping! :P
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