Jul 06, 2010 00:35
For a couple reasons...
First, I when I'm online, I purposely try to keep it short so I can actually get some sleep. I was doing very well for awhile, going to bed around 12/1 and getting up at 8/8:30 for work (or later if I'm off), but I slipped back to going to bed at 2 or 3 am and getting up at the same time. I need 7 hours, consistently...or I feel like BLAH, or worse, ZOMBIE-BRAIN-FOG.
I also think perhaps my thyroid works better when I get sleep. I had 5 hours sleep saturday night, was traveling so had some stress/anxiety, napped sunday afternoon for an hour or so, then had 7 hours sleep sunday night. This morning my body temp was 96.34...which is LOW. It should be 97.00 or higher. This made me very unhappy. I felt like I was making progress, and here comes this very low number.
It does NOT help that this damned house is COLD. All the time. No one cares that I'm trying to fix my body enough to make babies...they just want to not be warm. *resists urge to scream*
Acupuncture continues. I love it. Apparently needles relax me. Tattoos, acupuncture, but not hypodermics. I had two sessions on my back with the needles on my belly and the front of my legs...but I decided that I feel better lying on my belly with the needles in my back. My acupuncturist agrees, so we will go that route from now on. After those two sessions, I was a lot less relaxed and content, my stress was worse and the adrenaline rushes were back in force. I felt a little manic, actually...it wasn't fun. Didn't help I had to skip a week due to scheduling. That first session back last week was heavenly. I have this week's session tomorrow morning and I can't wait. I need it. I can tell. I was irritable and unhappy today. I'm fairly certain tomorrow's session will help.
I've noticed a moodiness lately that has nothing to do with PMS (tho at first I thought it did). Based on what mom has told me, and what I've read, I figure this is another thyroid issue. I don't like it. I also figure that thyroid meds work only sporadically because the thyroid does so, as well. If my body temp is any indication, going up and down at random, daily...then thyroid meds would be too much, or too little, and sometimes just right, since the dosage is always the same. However, if the needed thyroid hormone is less one day, more the next...it would make sense to not feel right one day (or a few in a row), and then feel better other days.
That sounded a lot less complicated in my head. I figure you guys are smart enough to know what I'm saying even if my articulation is not 100%. :P
So I'm not happy with my progress at this point. Which means I've been disinterested in a lot. I have things I need to do, yet I just want to sit. Not necessarily watch TV or listen to music....I just sit. Just not interested.
Last weekend I went to PA and a club with some friends. Not the best time I've had, two of them didn't make it, but it was still good to be out and about.
This weekend M and I head to MA to visit family and friends. I am NOT thrilled about leaving my cat alone so many days. He'll be 10 years old this year and is very clingy. I know he'll miss us at night. I did manage to get M to drop one night (he wanted to leave at 8 pm thursday), so we spend one less night away from the cat. It means I have to get up at o'dark thirty to leave on Friday...but its worth it for the cat. :) We come back Monday.
Nothing exciting to report at work. Dragon Con is in two months, we head to Mayhem Fest at the end of the month, followed by another Dracula's Ball where Thrill Kill Kult is playing. :)
Lastly, my best friend is getting married in October...I'm Matron of Honor and in charge of the flowers (we're using silks due to her allergies). I have to make 4 boutonnieres, 3 corsages, two bouquets and 2 crowns. :) Got the list all set up, just waiting for the groom's mom to buy it all and ship it here. I have every plan to take pics, and I have just a month or so to do them. Then, 5 days later my ex boyfriend is getting married, so I just took a week off work to stay up in New England for both.
As a side note...a friend of mine from a forum, and one whom I have yet to meet (since I am not able to go to Grandfather Mountain this year *cries*) is actually going to buy me a $100 mini top hat for my Steampunk costume. O_O She's out of her mind, but I can't talk her out of it.
I'll have to make sure I make a good outfit to go with it for her...and take lots of pics at DragonCon. :) (and yeah, we have tix, hotel and airfare booked, yippee!!)
Now...RLS is annoying me....time for sleep.