So after much hemming and hawing (and I literally did not make up my mind until 10 minutes before I left), I went to Philly for sushi last Saturday. I ended up driving myself because my aunt let me use her car. Got there with no problems, met up with
patsytheloomer right away and off to the sushi bar.
Dinner was awesome, if a bit more money than I planned to spend. :) We split a platter for three, and it included spicy tuna roll, so I was content. The only thing I refused to eat was the roll with huge fish eggs. No idea what its called, but I nabbed four of the eggs with my chopsticks to try em and the texture put me right off. Nikki was braver than I, she popped the whole thing in her mouth, then spent several minutes trying to choke it down.
I would have spit it out into my napkin, or puked. :P
Patsy also ate one. I stuck to the maki and nigiri. Also ordered a plate of current cooked addiction, LOL.
I realized a lot later than I should have that we had to drive 20+ minutes to make it back to the city for the train, so I interrupted the excellent conversation to get us up and out. I originally wanted to try for the 8pm train, but that went out the window as soon as we got to the restaurant at 7pm. :P So, I missed the 8 and informed the family I would be later than planned. When I interrupted the conversation so we could leave, it was the 10pm train I was aiming for. We did a car do-see-do before getting on the road, and I missed it by like 5 minutes. Mostly due to traffic and not at all due to efforts on Patsy's part to get me there AND leave both us and the car intact in the process. :)
Patsy had to head to Lancaster, so I told him, next time I say I want to split a trip, to tell me to shut up and either do it all, or not at all. :P (whole-hog, not half-ass) (Incidentally, that extra cost of heading to Lancaster? Another $18 on top of the $19, plus $30 for dinner.) The change I had added up to $35, but I didn't get a chance to cash it in before leaving, and obviously it would have only covered dinner. music because my iPod needed charging and since the next train wasn't until 11:45, I sat and read for an hour and 45 minutes. The train was quiet and I was a little worried being by myself, but the trip was uneventful except for some drunken asshats that hopped on soon after leaving the city. Fortunately, they de-trained at some point soon after.
I made it to the station a little after one...and home by 1:30, at which point I washed up and hit the bed at 2am. Fortunately, no work that morning. :P
Acupuncture was interesting this morning. It was at 8:30 am...which sucked since I had to wait for my sister to get out of the shower so I didn't get to bed til 1, and had to be awake at 7. I was irritated, so did not enjoy it as much as usual. They were running late, which I had no time for, since I had to leave for work from there. It made me anxious. Some of the points she needled on my leg, the one on my forehead, and one of my forearm, which she must have nicked a vein in because it had a nice little lump under the skin which was already blue/purpleish. Only slightly sore now, and so far not really bruised.
A few of the hand and foot needles hurt this time. I was thinking maybe she had them in tendons...I made the mistake of wiggling my toes at some point and was rewarded with a dull, burning pain. The neck massage was nice tho, hehe.
I did wear my chainmail necklace tho. :D
This weekend I'm off work again. Another friend to visit, this time from NYC and she's coming here (I can't afford the bus fare now that it went up again, damnit). We'll go galivanting and M will join us for dinner. We'll be on the Island...hopefully not too crowded with the threat of rain...and hopefully I can get to Phoenix. LOVE that store. I only seem to be able to get to it once a year. :( Bought my 100yo Kenyan lion claw there.
Ugh. Tired. Was supposed to be off work tomorrow, but got conned into 2 hours. $20...its better than nothing I guess.