Mar 13, 2008 16:09
No need to explain. Need to jot down tracks i'm interested in working with
29 Ghosts IV
4 Ghosts I - The Mack truck carrening off the face of a Californian mountain side. Impossible. Maybe reworked into something else
15 Ghosts II- Lost in the forest. Insanity starts to slowly take over as the forest becomes more looming and menacing in the conciousness of the subject. The subject is being subjected to some sort of psychological assult and is rendered to the ground, rything in unseen agony.
32 Ghosts IV
35 Ghosts IV
26 Ghosts III - I see a sense of urgency, maybe a chase or escape. (Wasteland?)
24 Ghosts III - Same idea maybe, maybe even better. Possibility of insanity in the character?
19 Ghosts III - I see someone sick, maybe fighting drugs, trying to escape the wasteland. Dying along the way, contorting himslef, screaming
8 Ghosts I
7 Ghosts I - I see someone trying to make their way through an urban environment trying to get to someone. An envireonment similar to the CBD. Borderlines on parkour like free running. Along the lines of the "We're In This Together" video. Has a very elusive feel to it. Just when they think they've caught up to the target in an alley, they're nowehere to be found, with seemingly no viable exit. Bewilderment is the final thought.