Dec 15, 2007 11:04
I spent all this week working on the album. It's coming along pretty nicely for sure, but I think we were all kind of hoping we'd be further along by this point. Oh well. We'll get it done eventually. We have nearly all the bass, drums, and guitars done, maybe almost half the lead vocals, and none of the keyboards and harmonies. So there's much more to be done, but it's all fun experimental kind of stuff which is nice. My brain's just a little fried and I have a hard time thinking about things other than our songs for the few hours I am at home. Hopefully I can remove myself from studio mode this weekend and be an actual husband to my wife for a little bit. She has been really gracious and understanding this week. What a champ. What a trooper.
We are in a spot right now during the recording process where I have zero perspective on how good the songs actually sound. That's weird. But when you listen to the same guitar part repeatedly for two hours you start to lose perspective. I can't really imagine what I would be like if I were doing this for months in a row... I'd probably be more easy-going just because I wouldn't be concerned about money. It's always in the back (and often front) of my mind.
Not even sure if this post even makes sense. Like I said: brain=fried. I absolutely cannot wait for next week to come along- a (God willing) completed album and two weeks of chilling and Christmas wonderment. Thank God. I haven't even touched on how good God is in this post. He never misses a moment to show me how much He is taking care of me.