"They hang around like purfume, and haunt me like an ancient melody..."

Oct 09, 2007 22:04

Talk about disillusionment...

I don't often dream, and it is a rare thing when I remember one.  And even when both of those things do occur, I usually know it's a dream anyway.  Thus, dreaming really seems like a pointless exercise for me (besides that whole REM sleep thing).

The other night, however, I was provided one of those rare instances where I thought my dream was absolutely real.  You know what I'm talking about; a dream that your sub-conscious was convinced was really happening. These dreams can be good, bad, or terrifying, but what gets me is the shock and awe you feel upon waking.  If you had nightmare, you feel a sense of relief.  If it was a good one, you feel like you've been hit by a cement truck filled with reality.  A fully loaded cement truck.

Start your engines, this was one of the latter.

Usually, you realize what triggered the dream shortly after, and this was no different for me.  Recently, I stumbled into contact with someone I haven't talked to in a long time, someone with whom I wish things had been different.  To make a long story short, she's engaged now and I had just been thinking about all the possibilities and I guess it spilled over into my dreams.

No, it wasn't one of THOSE dreams you sicko, get your mind out of the gutter!

In the dream, we ended up talking and getting together, and I remember feeling really, honestly happy when HONK HONK, BBAAAAMM! *BEEP BEEP BEEP*   It was time to go to work.   For the first few minutes after waking I definitely felt a sort of emotional cascade; a complex set of emotions I haven't felt in a long time.  This isn't to say that I walked around moping all day, but I certainly thought about it for a long time.  I wasn't sad, but perhaps a bit regretfully nostalgic.

Anyhow, I though that was interesting; how you can walk around for years without thinking of something or someone, then faster than you can say "Is that a cement truck?" you can't get your mind off it.

On another note, Marcus and I have finally determined our characters from Battlestar Galactica.  I am Apollo and he is Helo, for obvious reasons.

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