Something ridiculous and silly to brighten your day. Or evening. Or whatever.
Today I slept in until 11:30, which is going to put a crimp in my attempt to go to bed SUPER EARLY (for real this time) in order to be able to get up at 3:30 to watch the Australian Open. Of course, I'll only be doing that if it turns out that I can circumvent the internet rules for watching ESPN3, because I'm sure not going to drive onto campus that early in the morning and sit in my car, in the cold, until the battery runs out in the middle of an important game. I'm going to check the internet thing in a bit.
I did get a little bit of work done; read a few articles so I am now DONE with the massive article pile! Woo! I've got 101 articles in the folder now, so I'm proud of that. Most of them aren't relevant, but surely I know a bit more for having read them, right? And now that those articles are nicely filed away, I can finally see Jon Richardson on my desktop again. :)
I also finished up the notes for POLI 750 for the week, so that's good.
Worked a bit more on the donkey stuffed animal I'm making, watched lots more youtube videos than I should've (Noel Fielding and David Mitchell, why do I have to find you witty?), spent oodles more time browsing pointless websites. Agh. What is wrong with me? I also begged off dinner again tonight. I didn't feel up to socializing in a group, and you know what, that's ok.
Brrr it's cold. Maybe I'll go take a hot shower.