Aug 12, 2011 19:12
This morning I dream I went to the Moon.
I was with a small crowd of people on a platform very close to the Space Shuttle about to launch. I was the only one who noticed an alien lifeform - a transparent heart thing with vessels taking over the ship to make sure it ran properly. When the shuttle launched, the shuttle part crumbled to pieces, and instead the platform we were on flew in to the air.
We were flying to the Moon in a grey rectangular box. The alien lifeform was controlling the ship, making sure the life support was keeping us ok. When we landed, it built a simple structure to live in out of something like twigs and mold, like a grey oval bird's nest for a ceiling and walls. There were no windows. We could survive fine, with intricate layers protecting us from the moon's atmosphere. But we had to make sure we reused every single scrap of organic matter in a proper way. Somehow, we made it work.
We became the first people living in space. We had a strange colony. Boredom was a problem. Feeling stranded and homesick was worse. We suggested to the alien that built our new home what could be made better. We couldn't launch back to earth.
Somehow, a man threw a carved piece of wood in to space and it found his wife to tell her he was okay.
At some point Earth launched a contact ship to bring us supplies and take people home. Our colony grew, and we became a separate culture from Earth.