This was posted on DCO originally, then posted on another board that I read. I thought it belonged here as well. Its beautiful and so true.
"From Dave's confetti drop to the passing of the crown, we have the year of living Cook. It was him. It was me. It was all of us.
What I Feared
That this man, who laughed and cried, who crooned and rocked, who was shrewd and a goober would fade into obscurity as TV reality star met jaded hearts ready to knock him off his pedestal as we are wont to do to those who dare reach for the stars and rise to the heights of celebrity. I feared that this joyous feeling I had of experiencing something real would dissipate in the days to come.
What I hoped
That this man, who bravely stood exposed to our slings and arrows and won our fair hearts should have all the success and happiness life affords. I hoped I would remember, fondly, a time when two young Davids sang their hearts out and moved people with their passion, grace, honesty, and friendship.
What we got instead
Sold and spun, exiled from RL to some new existence...searching, yearning, hoping that this awakening of spirit was really happening. We were amused with each Mavid, intrigued with each review, and befuddled with each passing day that the thirst was not yet quenched. My year of living Cook went from watching Dave hug Archie at the finale in May of 2008 to Gratitewer, youtube, sharpies, radio, Lindsey Rose, Rainbow's Olympics, joining DCO, fanbase reports, Davember, questioning my sanity, crashing the network, SNL, EEB, GMA, Glamoring "Your Face" to Hilary, album drop, Hard Rock, Disney, Acoustic Christmas, Santa Andrew for Birthdays, USO, DwoP, Dublin, Declaration tour, Union Jacks, whale spouts, BBSex, laughter, poetry, a candle vigil, a desire for a Lie, ydniW, AI's return of the king, a fateful day and a race for hope, culminating in an epic Manila concert of thousands where Dave hugged Archie in May of 2009. All through this journey I have discovered that David is real. He is a gentleman, a rock star, a goof, a great talent, a loyal friend, a compassionate brother, a man worth knowing, a mensch. I have also discovered a community of talented, compassionate, people that I have come to call...friends. It is real. It is good.
As the AI torch is passed and we reflect on the joys and tears of our year of living Cook, we may find it difficult to hear once again the song that was silenced for a time. I will find it difficult to hear, to see, and to feel. Yet as I steel myself to watch the bravest brave that ever braved give once more of his heart and soul to a cause, I have discovered something important. Nobility is not of birth, it is of character.
Oh, Dave. How can you be so noble?"
x-posted to
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