Still taking suggestions...

May 19, 2009 09:31

Hey, Gangstas...

Just a friendly reminder that I'm compiling the list of songs to run off for the new poll game during/after AI tonight.

If you want to make some suggestions, please click here and leave me a screened comment.

I know you guys are trying to be kind to my inbox, but seriously, I *want* your input and your suggestions of what songs to run off against each other.  I *need * to know what you want to see in this poll game, because otherwise?  You're going to be seeing a LOT of Axium, Burn Halo, and Ryan Star.  Yes, seriously.  I have more options for Axium than either David Cook (solo) or MWK, and more Burn Halo than To Have Heroes.  If that's what you guys want, wonderful, and I'll roll with it, but...I don't want to hear any whining if your favorites got left out of the running, but you just assumed someone else nominated them, ok?  Yes, this poll game will be completely random, but if something has five or ten people nominate it specifially, I'll make sure that gets a slot in the brackets somewhere.

soliciting...opinions, polls are fun...right?

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