The Rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me" or something of an equally pithy nature.
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature. Be warned!
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions, or there will be trouble.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.
1) Tell me about a moment that took your breath away.
there have been so many. first ever that really got me to stop and think was pulling out of pit lane at laguna seca, and flooring it out of the famous corkscrew turn. i embedded an image of it, but i dont know where it went. its basically a four story drop and it leaves you with a mix of emotions: fear, excitement, bliss, and giddy-ness. the reason it took my breath away, was that, i was actually doing it, and driving on it. ive played on it in several video games, but to actually be there. is a different story.
2) Starting from when we 'met' to now, give me 3 examples of how you've changed. are you happy with these changes?
my hair changes like the seasons. i no longer try to please people, just myself. doing a pretty good job about it, and i like. and im not so quick to get attached to a female. that got a little too heartache-y.
3)Think deep. What is your biggest, most heart wrenching fear?
being thrown off of a building. i have an issue with heights. but the even bigger issue is falling. death for myself hasnt been an issue. i learned at a young age that everyone has their time. and when your card is up, i just hope that you enjoyed your time.
4)If you could only see one person for the rest of your life(and I'm talking just talking to them, not dating), who would it be and why?
probably george w. so i could wake up everyday and look forward to beating up on him. lol, im just kidding, right NSA? id like to hang out with...brad pitt...haha, oddly enough it looks as though we share alot of interests and well, maybe i could catch angelina comin out of the shower or something.
5)What is something you plan to do within the year? What steps are you taking to achieve that goal?
travel to eastern europe and through europe again. in november i plan on going to greece to see my friend run in the athens marathon. and next year for the 24 hours of le mans i want to be there as media and really enjoy myself. travelling is really my main concern with life. i also plan on coming out to the east coast again. of course.