
Nov 08, 2008 00:04

hi! i didn't get that job, just so you know. thank you sara and angie for your thoughts, but it didn't end up happening. they called today, and said that they'd found someone else with more experience. it is all right, especially since i found out that becky valenti works there, and i want none of that.

todayyyy i did something quite unusual, which was going out with lique, buckles, and windsor for drinking and fun. it was all free for me, because those boys love buying rounds, let me tell you. the night started with me, knox, lique, buckles, and windsor going to dinner at that thai place on state street - noodii bar - and then knox went home to pack for her cruise. the rest of us - we had adventures - of the drinking sort. ah! it was fun. it was really out of character for me, because i generally avoid the whole bar thing, but it was fun! except for when i saw a jerk and later when i accidentally verbally attacked some girls, but you know.

we started at the plumstead, and buckles got a pitcher, then windsor did. then, i saw kyle laws. THE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE PERSON. he put one of my favorite people through a wall. ABUSIVE MAN. anyway, after i saw him, i became increasingly angry, so we moved to stephen's. stephen's is incredibly awkward. we were the youngest people there by about 20 years. a crazy blonde lady with WIDE eyes tried to dance with angelique and windsor. wasn't happening.

then we went to jocelyn's. more drinks were bought, drank. more awkward times. i saw a person i haven't seen since fourth grade, yet somehow remembered. then, lique and i went to pee. when we came back, there were a group of girls on our seats. (more than four on two seats, somehow. the miracle of SCIENCE!) anyway, when windsor (or buckley) said, what happened to your seats? i said, bitches showed up! apparently they heard me, because there was a lot of shock noise. i got the eff out of there in a heart beat. i did.

then, knox picked me up. because, i should not drive home after 8 drinks. it is a TERRIBLE idea. she is such a great friend to pick me up. i really rarely drink at bars, because i am the responsible one, but it is nice to not have to be that one all of the time.

ken is at a party. and, to tell you the truth, i am le tipsy, and i don't feel bad about that.

when i got home, i ended up talking to my mom for about a half hour, which was hilarious, since i was pretending to be sober-er, and talking really fast the whole time.

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