The beat in my head...

Feb 10, 2005 21:00

So,I was just playing air drums and having a lot of fun. There is a phat beat in my head ;) Carrie and I did a lot of cleaning recently. We have been doing laundry and getting this house in shape again. I have been taking out the garbage and stuff since Carrie and her mom can't do it. I don't mind because I like helping out around here. I feel we all pull our own weight and help eachother out. That is what family is about after all.

I am worried that there might be something wrong with Carrie. She has not gotten her period since November and it was odd when it came. (That is what she told me at the time) I wouldn't be upset if she is pregnant. I would be rather happy and excited. I would be scared too but that is only normal. I will be a bit sad if it turns out that she isn't pregnant. Because I kind of like the thought of being a daddy. And the idea of having my baby growing inside her is a wonderful thought. But,no matter what happens I will hold her hand and we will get through this togther.

I talked to my parents today. They are doing well for the mosrt part. My mother is sick with a cold but I am sure she will be fine with some time. My dad is doing well and helped me with a computer problem Carrie and I had. My brother is doing well. Hopefully he is working on making me an uncle sometime soon. (;) I do need a flower girl for my wedding in a few years) My sister is hopefully -not- making me an uncle. She is however considering moving to Louisiana. Carrie has friends down there. I wonder if it is close to them. That would give us an excuse to take some trips down that way sometime ;)

I talked to my Grandma today. She is doing well. She has been working a lot lately and hasn't really had a lot of time to herself. She informed me that my cousin is having twins. These children will bring her children total to four. (She isn't even my age yet...we breed a lot in my family)

Things are going very well. The job I wanted fell through. But,something else will come around. I have no doubts. Even if I end up at Wal*Mart. :P

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